US citizens around the world are scrambling for tax advice ahead of a filing deadline, fearful that they may face prosecution after the US government's crackdown on undeclared offshore assets. |
世界各地的美国公民正忙于赶在一个申报期限之前打听税务建议,担心在美国政府打击未申报海外资产的行动中,自己可能面对公诉。 |
Lawyers and tax advisers from London to Hong Kong have had a surge in inquiries from expatriate Americans worried about whether they have correctly declared offshore assets ahead of the September 23 deadline. |
从伦敦到香港,向律师和税务顾问咨询的海外美国人激增,他们担心在9月23日最后期限之前,自己是否正确申报了海外资产。 |
Darlene Hart, chief executive of US Tax & Financial Services, an advisory firm in London and Switzerland, said: “My phone is ringing off the hook. |
在伦敦和瑞士开展业务的咨询公司——美国税务及金融服务(US Tax & Financial Services)首席执行官达莉娜·哈特(Darlene Hart):“我的电话响个不停。 |
“There is a tremendous amount of interest.” |
“人们的兴趣极大。” |
She said inquiries had increased 10-fold since the UBS settlement last month. |
她表示,自瑞银(UBS)上月与美国政府达成和解协议以来,咨询数量已增加了10倍。 |
Concerns have been fuelled by the Swiss government's decision to reveal the names of 4,450 wealthy Americans who hold offshore accounts at UBS, the country's biggest bank. |
加剧海外美国人担忧的是,瑞士政府决定曝光4450名在该国最大银行瑞银持有海外账户的美国富人的姓名。 |
The US Internal Revenue Service said that the deal underscored the US government's determination to clamp down on tax evasion. |
美国国税局(IRS)表示,这份协议突显美国政府决心打击逃税行为。 |
A Senate committee has estimated that the parking of assets offshore costs the US$100bn in lost taxes each year. |
美国参议院的一个委员会估计,美国人在海外持有资产,使该国每年损失1000亿美元的税收。 |
New IRS guidelines for individuals with untaxed offshore assets were announced on March 23. |
美国国税局在3月23日公布了针对拥有未报税海外资产的个人的新指引。 |
By coming forward voluntarily, many taxpayers who are not already being investigated by the IRS can cap their liability at six years of back taxes, interest and penalties – and avoid possible criminal prosecution. |
尚未被国税局调查的许多纳税人,若主动交代的话,可将自己的缴税责任限制在6年的欠税、利息和罚金,并避免可能的刑事公诉。 |
Suzanne Reisman, a London-based US private client lawyer, said the IRS deadline was particularly relevant for Americans living in low-tax jurisdictions such as Asia. |
常驻伦敦的美国私人客户律师苏珊·赖斯曼(Suzanne Reisman)表示,美国国税局设定的最后期限,对于居住在亚洲等低税收管辖区的美国人尤其相关。 |
译者/和风 |