英语听力汇总   |   海外美国人匆匆打听税务建议





US citizens around the world are scrambling for tax advice ahead of a filing deadline, fearful that they may face prosecution after the US government's crackdown on undeclared offshore assets.


Lawyers and tax advisers from London to Hong Kong have had a surge in inquiries from expatriate Americans worried about whether they have correctly declared offshore assets ahead of the September 23 deadline.


Darlene Hart, chief executive of US Tax & Financial Services, an advisory firm in London and Switzerland, said: “My phone is ringing off the hook.

在伦敦和瑞士开展业务的咨询公司——美国税务及金融服务(US Tax & Financial Services)首席执行官达莉娜·哈特(Darlene Hart):“我的电话响个不停。

“There is a tremendous amount of interest.”


She said inquiries had increased 10-fold since the UBS settlement last month.


Concerns have been fuelled by the Swiss government's decision to reveal the names of 4,450 wealthy Americans who hold offshore accounts at UBS, the country's biggest bank.


The US Internal Revenue Service said that the deal underscored the US government's determination to clamp down on tax evasion.


A Senate committee has estimated that the parking of assets offshore costs the US$100bn in lost taxes each year.


New IRS guidelines for individuals with untaxed offshore assets were announced on March 23.


By coming forward voluntarily, many taxpayers who are not already being investigated by the IRS can cap their liability at six years of back taxes, interest and penalties – and avoid possible criminal prosecution.


Suzanne Reisman, a London-based US private client lawyer, said the IRS deadline was particularly relevant for Americans living in low-tax jurisdictions such as Asia.

常驻伦敦的美国私人客户律师苏珊·赖斯曼(Suzanne Reisman)表示,美国国税局设定的最后期限,对于居住在亚洲等低税收管辖区的美国人尤其相关。
