英语听力汇总   |   对冲油价下跌 墨西哥净赚80亿美元





Mexico is set to earn a record $8bn from financial contracts it bought last summer as insurance against weaker energy demand and lower oil prices this year, the Financial Times has learnt.


The oil producer's astute risk management will make it the envy of Opec, the oil cartel whose members are struggling with a collapse in prices from last year's peak of $147 a barrel and who are due to meet tomorrow to discuss output levels.


It has also given Agustín Carstens, the country's finance minister and architect of the hedging strategy, a Wall Street-sized reputation for financial wizardry.

这也为上述对冲策略的设计者、墨西哥财长奥古斯丁•卡斯滕斯(Agustin Carstens),赢得了享誉华尔街的金融奇才声誉。

Traders joked yesterday that Mr Carstens was probably 2009's “most successful, but worst paid, oil manager”. But he will be hard pushed to repeat his success. Mexico is unlikely to secure the same favourable protection for next year.


Oil traders said the world's sixth-largest oil exporter had started to hedge a small portion of its oil revenues for next year after it successfully locked in an average price of $70 a barrel for all its oil exports this year. The fresh deals were securing a lower price floor for 2010 of about $50-$55, they said.


The Mexican windfall will be scrutinised by other producers suffering a drop in oil revenues, and particularly by Opec's members. The cartel is set to earn revenues of $555bn this year, down 40 per cent from 2008, according to US estimates.


Edward Morse, chief economist at LCM Commodities in New York, said Mexico's accomplishment was “idiosyncratic to last year's oil market”, when record oil prices of $150 a barrel allowed the country to buy cheap insurance for 2009. The success, he added, was unlikely to be copied by other countries.

纽约LCM Commodities首席经济学家爱德华•莫尔斯(Edward Morse)表示,墨西哥的成就“是去年石油市场造成的特有现象”,当时,每桶150美元的天价,使该国能够为2009年购买廉价的保险。他补充道,这一成功不太可能被其它国家复制。
