英语听力汇总   |   巴克莱资本拟联手主权基金收购资源资产





Barclays Capital is planning to team up with sovereign wealth funds to buy natural resources assets including mines, oil fields and power plants.

巴克莱资本(Barclays Capital)正计划与主权财富基金进行合作,收购包括矿山、油田和电厂在内的资源资产。

The move is a sign of appetite for physical commodities at a time when prices have started rising again after falls last year.


It would mean the bank opening its natural resource investment unit to outside investors for the first time.


Barclays has invested $1bn (€700m) in the unit over the past four years and is in advanced talks for a $400m investment from South Korea's Natural Resource Fund.

在过去四年中,巴克莱已经向该投资部门投资10亿美元,并正与韩国的自然资源基金(Natural Resource Fund)就一笔4亿美元的投资进行深入谈判。

Barclays aims to build a multibillion dollar fund that would buy assets in Latin America, Africa and Asia valued at $50-$100m before reselling them to other natural resource groups in three to five years.


“Our clients, from sovereign wealth funds to high net worth individuals, want opportunities to invest in physical natural resources,” Mark Brown, a managing director at Barclays Capital who heads the fund, said.

“在我们的客户中,从主权财富基金到高净值人士,都希望有机会投资于实物自然资源,”巴克莱资本负责该基金的董事总经理马克•布朗(Mark Brown)说。

Investors wanting commodity assets were not being well served by private equity groups. “After four years we have a track record and confidence to do larger deals,” he said.


Barclays Capital's move comes as sovereign wealth funds and state-owned groups show increasing interest in natural resources. China leads the trend, with state-owned groups such as Baosteel buying overseas resources assets.


Baosteel has announced a A$286m (US$243m) deal for a 15 per cent stake in Aquila Resources, an Australian iron ore and coal company.

宝钢日前宣布,出资2.86亿澳元(合2.43亿美元),收购澳大利亚铁矿石和煤炭公司阿奎拉资源(Aquila Resources)15%的股份。
