Global equity markets and commodities fell yesterday, as investors showed concern about the sustainability of an economic recovery. |
昨日,全球股市和大宗商品市场双双走低,因投资者对经济复苏的可持续性表示担忧。 |
The tone of risk aversion was established in Asia as equities slumped and the yen rallied on fears that China's economy will slow. The country's State Council called on authorities to “resolutely” curb overcapacity in the steel and concrete industries. |
亚洲的避险基调已然确立。由于投资者担心中国经济将会放缓,亚洲股市下跌,日元汇率回升。中国国务院敦促国内有关部门“严格”控制钢铁和水泥行业的过剩产能。 |
That in turn knocked commodity prices, with US crude oil falling below $70 a barrel, just days after testing the $75 level. |
这进而拖低了大宗商品价格,美国原油跌破70美元/桶,此时距油价上探75美元不过数日。 |
A mixed picture was painted by economic data in Europe and the US – which also hurt risk appetite. |
欧洲和美国的经济数据好坏不一,这也影响了投资者承担风险的意愿。 |
There was also a renewed focus on small and regional US banks as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp said that the number of problem banks and thrifts on its official watchlist rose to a 15-year high of 416 in the second quarter of 2009 from 305 in the first quarter. |
此外,美国小型地区性银行再度成为焦点。此前联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)表示,今年第二季度,列入其观察名单的问题银行和储蓄机构,从第一季度的305家增至416家,为15年来最高水平。 |
The FDIC also said the industry swung back to a loss in the second quarter after reporting a $7.6bn profit in the first quarter, due to rising bad loans and falling asset values. The FDIC's insurance fund for depositors has dropped to $10.4bn, down from above $50bn before the start of the financial crisis. |
FDIC还表示,由于不良贷款不断攀升和资产价值缩水,该行业第二季度重新陷入亏损,而第一季度为盈利76亿美元。FDIC的存款保险基金已从金融危机爆发前的逾500亿美元,降至104亿美元。 |
“This is another sign that there are two banking systems being maintained in the US,” said George Goncalves, strategist at Cantor Fitzgerald. |
“这是表明美国存在两个银行体系的另一个信号,”Cantor Fitzgerald策略师乔治•冈卡尔维斯(George Goncalves)表示。 |
In economic news, second quarter gross domestic product for the US was left unrevised at -1 per cent. However, real final sales were upwardly revised to 0.4 per cent, from an originally reported -0.2 per cent. This marks the first gain in final sales since the second quarter of 2008. |
经济消息方面,美国第二季度国内生产总值(GDP)萎缩1%,与修正前的数据一致。不过,实际最终销售由先前的下降0.2%,向上修正为增长0.4%。这是最终销售自去年第二季度以来首次出现增长。 |
Weekly jobless claims dropped less than forecast to 570,000, and the data continues to show signs of stabilisation after a big drop in July. Based on the recent claims data, economists forecast a 250,000 decline for August payrolls. |
每周申请失业救济人数降至57万人,降幅低于预期。该数据在7月份大幅下跌后,继续显示出企稳迹象。根据近期的申领失业金人数,经济学家预测8月份就业人数将减少25万。 |
Elsewhere, data painted a mixed picture for investors. UK house prices rose 1.6 per cent in August, beating estimates of a 0.5 per cent gain. However, UK total business investment slumped 10.4 per cent during the second quarter, nearly three times the forecast drop of 3.6 per cent. |
其他地区的数据好坏不一。英国8月份房价上涨1.6%,涨幅高于分析师预期的0.5%。但英国第二季度商业投资大幅下跌10.4%,跌幅接近于预测值3.6%的3倍。 |
In Germany, consumer confidence for September rose to a 15-month high, but German retail PMI for August slipped from 49.8 to 49.5. |
德国9月份消费信心升至15个月高位,但8月份零售业采购经理指数(PMI)由49.8跌至49.5。 |
The data clipped early gains for UK and European equities, while Wall Street opened in negative territory. At midday in New York the S&P 500 was down 0.6 per cent, while Europe's FTSE Eurofirst 300 index closed 0.5 per cent lower. London's FTSE 100 index briefly rose above 4,900, but was down 0.4 per cent at 4,869.35 at the close. |
上述数据令早盘走强的英国及欧洲股市掉头向下,美国股市则开盘下跌。纽约股市午盘,标普500 指数下跌0.6%,而欧洲富时Eurofirst 300指数收盘下跌0.5%。伦敦富时100指数一度突破了4900点,但收盘跌0.4%,报4869.35点。 |
In Asia, Japan's Nikkei 225 dropped 1.6 per cent, with exporters hit by the stronger yen. Shanghai fell 0.7 per cent and Hong Kong closed 1 per cent lower. |
亚洲方面,日经225指数跌1.6%,日元走强导致出口类股下挫;上证综指跌0.7%;港股收盘下跌1%。 |
译者/岱嵩 |