By Javier Blas in London |
铅价昨日升至11个月高点,原因是继一系列铅中毒事件之后,中国政府展开了全行业整顿,更多的铅冶炼厂被关停。 |
Lead prices rose to an 11-month high yesterday as more Chinese smelters shut amid an industry-wide clampdown by Beijing following incidents of lead poisoning. |
中国是全球最大的铅生产国和消费国,这种有毒金属用于制造汽车电池。 |
China is the world's largest producer and consumer of the toxic metal used to manufacture car batteries. |
随着中国政府扩大对冶炼厂污染控制措施的检查,陕西省的冶炼厂关停现象目前可能要扩大到湖南和广西两省。 |
The smelter shutdowns in Shaanxi province now threaten to extend to Hunan and Guangxi provinces as authorities widen checks on pollution controls at the plants. |
“检查结果将在几天内出来,”湖南一家冶炼厂的官员向路透社(Reuters)表示。他补充称,铅冶炼厂是否被关停,将取决于检查结果。 |
“The result of the checks will come in another few days,” a smelter official in Hunan told Reuters, adding that possible closures of lead smelters would depend on the findings. |
东方汇理银行(Calyon)驻伦敦的高级金属分析师罗宾·巴尔(Robin Bhar)表示,中国已有约40万吨的铅冶炼产能——几乎相当于全球产量的5%——被强行无限期关闭,因为“它们不符合国家环保标准”。 |
Robin Bhar, a senior metal analyst at Calyon in London, said about 400,000 tonnes of smelting capacity – equal to almost 5 per cent of global production – have been forced to shut indefinitely in China because “they did not meet national environmental standards”. |
在伦敦金属交易所(LME),3个月交割的期铅价格升至每吨2068美元的盘中高点,创下去年9月份以来的最高水平。 |
On the London Metal Exchange, lead for delivery in three months rose to an intraday high of $2,068 a tonne, its highest since last September. |
在尾盘交易中,铅价上涨2.7%,至每吨2055美元。在前一个交易日,铅价飙升了6.8%。 |
In late trade, lead rose 2.7 per cent to $2,055 a tonne. Lead prices surged 6.8 per cent the previous day. |
“就基本面而言,铅市场是最稳定的市场之一,供需大体平衡,全球库存水平相对较低,”巴尔表示。 |
“The lead market is fundamentally one of the tightest, with supply and demand roughly balanced and global inventories relatively low,” Mr Bhar said. |
在近来汽车销量大幅增长的推动下,铅价已较1月份的每吨980美元上涨了110%。 |
Lead prices have surged 110 per cent from $980 in January helped by the recent surge in car sales. |
分析师表示,冶炼厂关停将推高中国进口,特别是在铅消费呈现季节性回升的第四季度。 |
Analysts said the smelters' closure will push China to import more, particularly in the fourth quarter when the seasonal upswing in consumption gets underway. |
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