英语听力汇总   |   通用汽车出售欧宝计划出现变数





General Motors is looking at shelving a German-backed bailout of its Opel European car arm amid growing fears that long-running talks on the deal will end in failure.

通用汽车(General Motors)正考虑搁置由德国政府支持的一项纾困其欧洲汽车业务欧宝(Opel)的方案,人们越来越担心,这场旷日持久的谈判可能无果而终。

The US carmaker and its advisers are studying a scenario that would see GM abandon the German plan and instead raise roughly €3bn ($4.3bn) of rescue funds for Opel and its British Vauxhall brand from the US and other European governments, including the UK and Spain.


GM agreed to spin off the Opel division before the troubled company went into bankruptcy earlier this year.


Germany, keen to protect its thousands of Opel workers, agreed to bankroll a bid, and lined up behind Canadian parts maker, Magna International and Russia's Sberbank. The management of GM, which emerged from bankruptcy in July, believes the terms of the Magna bid are too onerous, and a rival bid from RHJ, a Brussels-based industrial group, would be easier to implement.

为保护本国的数千名欧宝员工,德国支持加拿大汽车配件商麦格纳国际(Magna International)和俄罗斯联邦储蓄银行(Sberbank)的联合竞购方案,并同意为它们的收购提供融资。通用的管理层认为,麦格纳竞购方案的条款过于麻烦,而布鲁塞尔工业集团RHJ提出的竞购方案更容易实施。通用已于7月脱离破产保护。

“Germany have expressed interest in having Magna, but there might be other [financing] sources,” a person with knowledge of GM's plans said yesterday. “This is what we are currently exploring.”


This person said GM's board had made no final decision, but had expressed interest in studying what was described as an “extreme solution” to the German rescue of Opel/Vauxhall, which employs about 55,000 people and has plants in five European countries.


A second person familiar with GM's plans described the option as “feasible if complex”.


Were GM to abandon the German-backed sale process, it would be an embarrassment for Angela Merkel's government, which has invested large amounts of political capital in the talks, and faces a national election next month.

假如通用放弃德国支持的出售欧宝方案,将令安格拉•默克尔(Angela Merkel)政府陷入尴尬境地。默克尔政府在此项谈判上已投入大量政治资本,并将于下月面临全国大选。

GM declined to comment on the sale yesterday.

