German prosecutors are investigating Wendelin Wiedeking, Porsche's former chief executive, and other people close to the sports car maker, alleging market manipulation by passing on inside information in the failed takeover attempt of Volkswagen. |
德国检察机关正对保时捷(Porsche)前首席执行官文德林•魏德金(Wendelin Wiedeking)以及这家跑车制造商的其他相关人士展开调查,这些人涉嫌在未获成功的收购大众(Volkswagen)期间传递内幕信息,从而进行市场操纵。 |
Prosecutors in Stuttgart yesterday raided the headquarters of Porsche, which recently agreed to merge with VW after an attempt to acquire the much bigger rival had pushed it to the brink of bankruptcy. |
斯图加特检察机关昨日突击搜查了保时捷总部。在因试图收购规模远大于自己的竞争对手而陷入破产边缘后,保时捷近期同意与大众合并。 |
Porsche rebuffed the prosecutor's allegations. It confirmed that Mr Wiedeking and Holger Härter, the company's former chief financial officer, who were forced to leave the company last month after they lost the backing of the family owners, were among the suspects. |
保时捷否认了检察机关的指控。该公司证实,魏德金和前首席财务官霍格尔•黑特(Holger Harter)都在嫌疑人之列。上月,在失去了家族所有人的支持后,魏德金和黑特两人被迫离开公司。 |
“Mr Wiedeking and Mr Härter are supporting the prosecutors fully,” Porsche said. Mr Wiedeking and Mr Härter could not be reached for comment. |
保时捷表示:“魏德金和黑特在全力配合检察机关(的调查)。”记者未能联系到魏德金和黑特进行评论。 |
Claudia Krauth, a prosecutor at the regional court in Stuttgart, said the investigation had been launched after a complaint from Bafin, Germany's financial regulator. |
斯图加特地区法院的检察官克劳迪娅•卡兰特(Claudia Krauth)表示,在接到德国联邦金融监管局(Bafin)申诉后就展开了调查。 |
Bafin launched an investigation into market manipulation earlier this year after a German press report suggested Porsche had misled markets about its ambition to take over VW. |
今年早些时候,在德国媒体暗示保时捷误导了市场对其收购大众的雄心之后,联邦金融监管局就对市场操纵行为展开了调查。 |
Porsche swooped on VW in 2005, taking a minority stake. It used a special breed of options gradually to increase its holding in its rival. |
2005年,保时捷向大众发起突袭,购入大众少数股权。保时捷利用一种特殊的期权,逐渐增持竞争对手的股份。 |
The contentious options strategy made the producer of the 911 sports car look like a hedge fund. In its fiscal year 2008, Porsche made a profit of €6.8bn ($9.7bn) in trading VW options and only €1bn from selling cars. |
这种有争议的期权战略,使得这家911跑车制造商看起来就像一家对冲基金。在2008财年,保时捷在大众期权交易上获利68亿欧元(合97亿美元),而汽车销售收入仅为10亿欧元。 |
The strategy left markets in the dark and infuriated investors around the world. |
上述期权战略让市场蒙在鼓里,激怒了全世界的投资者。 |
译者/君悦 |