英语听力汇总   |   德法经济第二季度意外反弹





The German and French economies unexpectedly bounced back in the second quarter, figures showed yesterday, raising hopes that the worst of the economic crisis is coming to an end in the eurozone.


The region's two biggest economies, which had each suffered four consecutive quarters of negative growth, both grew 0.3 per cent in the three months to the end of June.


The figures confounded economists who had predicted contractions in each country again after German gross domestic product plummeted 3.5 per cent and French GDP shrank by 1.3 per cent in the first quarter.


As a result, GDP in the 16-nation currency bloc fell only 0.1 per cent in the last quarter, the European statistics office said, cheering economists who had expected a decline of 0.5 per cent after a drop of 2.5 per cent in the previous quarter.


The better than expected performance echoed that of the US economy, which shrank only 0.3 per cent in the second quarter. But the UK saw its GDP shrink 0.8 per cent, prompting criticism of the government's handling of the economy.


“The size of Britain's banking sector and the extent to which the government allowed debt and the housing bubble to grow left Britain particularly exposed,” said Vince Cable, treasury spokesman for the opposition Liberal Democrats.

“英国银行业的规模,以及政府放任债务泡沫和房地产泡沫膨胀的程度,使得英国受危机的打击尤其巨大,”英国自由民主党(Liberal Democrats)财政事务发言人文斯·凯布尔(Vince Cable)说。

Erik Nielsen, chief economist for Europe at Goldman Sachs in London, said: “If you look at the US and Europe, pretty much everyone had a better second quarter than expected a few months ago – with the exception of the UK.”

高盛(Goldman Sachs)驻伦敦的欧洲首席经济学家埃里克·尼尔森(Erik Nielsen)说:“如果你看看美国和欧洲,几乎每个国家二季度的经济都好于几个月前的预期,只有英国例外。”

Greece and Portugal also grew 0.3 per cent in the second quarter, while the Austrian and Belgian economies shrank 0.4 per cent, Italy's 0.5 per cent and the Dutch economy by 0.9 per cent.


Eastern EU countries outside the eurozone again saw recession deepen.


Many economists said they expected the eurozone to swing back to growth in the third quarter, although they also warned that rising unemployment, fragile bank lending and the looming end to stimulus spending made for pitfalls.

