英语听力汇总   |   美国逾80%大广告客户在Facebook做广告





More than 80 per cent of the biggest US advertisers are now using Facebook to promote themselves, suggesting that corporate America is starting to embrace the social networking site as a mainstream advertising platform.


This marks a striking shift as large companies were initially hesitant to advertise on social networks, since users appeared resistant to advertising and there were fears that corporate logos might appear alongside offensive content.


However, Facebook, which now has 340m unique monthly visitors, says that 83 of the top 100 advertising spenders in the US, as ranked by AdAge, the research group, now use its site. This group includes Johnson & Johnson, Nike and AT&T.

然而,如今月访问量达到3.4亿人次的Facebook表示,美国百强广告客户中有83家正在使用其网站,包括强生(Johnson & Johnson)、耐克(Nike)和美国电话电报公司(AT&T)。这个百强名单是由研究公司AdAge制作的。

“Every client wants to talk about Facebook,” said Ed Montes, US managing director of Havas Digital, whose clients include Sears, Expedia and Air France. “I haven't seen this kind of consistent fervour for a company since Google.”

“每个客户都希望和我们讨论Facebook,”Havas Digital美国董事总经理艾德•蒙蒂斯(Ed Montes)表示。“自谷歌(Google)之后,我们还从未见过客户如此一致地热衷于一家公司。”该公司的客户包括西尔斯(Sears)、Expedia和法国航空(Air France)。

Unlike previous big brand advertising on the web, the ads on Facebook are not splashy displays and banners but more discreet, blending into the overall site design. They typically invite users to engage with companies, directing them to pages and applications where they can become fans of the company and receive regular updates.


“Facebook is trying to build a platform where consumers and marketers can interact in innovative ways,” said Mr Montes.


Starbucks has more than 3.7m fans on its Facebook page, while Coca-Cola has more than 3.5m.


“If you look at people's profile pages, you'll see a lot of commercial activity even without advertising,” says Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook chief operating officer.

“如果你浏览一下个人的档案主页,就能发现即使没有广告,也有许多商业行为,”Facebook首席运营官谢乐尔•桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)表示。

Facebook does not charge companies to have a fan page or an application. Nor does it plan to take a cut of the increased e-commerce taking place on its applications.


However, Ms Sandberg argues that the effectiveness of these free services is prompting the big brands to advertise. In the past year, more big advertisers have also begun to campaign on MySpace.

