Beijing hinted yesterday at room for compromise in global climate change talks, as its negotiator left open the possibility China could commit itself to reducing carbon emissions beyond 2012. |
北京昨日暗示在全球气候变化谈判中存在一定妥协空间。中国谈判代表没有否认中国可能承诺在2012年后减少碳排放的可能性。 |
Yu Qingtai, Beijing's special representative for climate talks, indicated that more generous financial and technological support from developed countries could help China reach a peak in its carbon emissions sooner than expected. |
中国气候变化谈判特别代表于庆泰表示,发达国家若能提供更慷慨的财务和技术支持,就可能帮助中国比预期更早地达到碳排放峰值。 |
Along with other developing nations, China wants developed countries to be legally bound to help pay for curbing emissions in poorer ones. “When China's emissions will peak depends on our development stage, our GDP per capita, our resources structure and technology level,” he said. |
与其它发展中国家一样,中国希望发达国家帮助承担较贫穷国家减排开支的承诺能有法律约束力。中国的“排放何时达到峰值,要看我们的发展阶段、人均GDP、资源禀赋、技术水平等一系列客观条件,”于庆泰表示。 |
“It will also depend on the dynamics of international co-operation, especially technology transfer.” |
“同时还要看国际合作,尤其是技术合作的力度。” |
Mr Yu's remarks to journalists appeared to show a new willingness to converge with the western approach, in contrast to previous communications characterised by demands for western countries to do more, rather than an emphasis on what China will do. |
于庆泰对记者们发表的讲话,似乎显示出一种愿意与西方做法合拢的新态度,与以往中国的表态形成反差。以前,中国要求西方国家采取更多行动,而没有强调中国将做些什么。 |
China has also sounded a more moderate tone re- cently on how much developed countries should curb their emissions under a new global agreement to be sealed in December in Copenhagen. While Beijing demanded in May that rich nations must cut greenhouse emissions by 40 per cent by 2020 from 1990 levels, it has lately spoken only of “large reductions”. |
对于12月将在哥本哈根达成的全球新协定中发达国家应当承诺的减排量,中国近期的语气也有所缓和。北京在5月份曾要求富国以1990年排放水平为基准,到2020年必须将温室气体排放量削减40%,但近期则只说“大幅减排”。 |
Mr Yu said China still considered the 40 per cent target fair, but added that it would be set through negotiations. His moderate tone contrasts markedly with the attitude shown by India. |
于庆泰表示,中国仍认为40%的减排目标是公平合理的,但补充说,具体减排目标将通过谈判确定。他的缓和语气与印度展现的态度形成鲜明反差。 |
Last week, Jairam Ram- esh, India's environment minister, said New Delhi would not discuss signing up to legally binding obligations for absolute cuts in greenhouse gas emissions for at least another decade. |
上周,印度环境部长贾伊拉姆•拉梅什(Jairam Ramesh)表示,新德里至少在今后10年内不会讨论承受有法律约束力的义务,削减温室气体排放的绝对数量。 |
Rich countries are not asking for developing states to be obliged to cut their emissions from current levels. Instead, they would like emerging economies such as China and India to commit themselves to curbing future emissions. This would mean that such countries could continue to increase emissions as their economies developed, but that measures should be taken to ensure the increase is less than historical levels. |
富国并没有要求发展中国家一定要在现有排放水平基础上减排,而是希望中国和印度等新兴经济体承诺遏制未来的排放。这将意味着,随着这些国家经济的发展,它们可以继续增加排放,但应当采取相关措施,确保排放增幅低于历史水平。 |
This could involve national action plans, including energy efficiency schemes, renewable energy generation and investment in new technologies. |
这可能牵涉到各种国家行动计划,包括能效方案、可再生能源发电和新技术投资。 |
China has set targets to increase its proportion of renewables and increase its energy efficiency, and now has one of the most buoyant renewable energy sectors in the world. |
中国已设定提高可再生能源比重和提高能效的目标,目前拥有世界上最具活力的可再生能源行业之一。 |
The country is on track to meet a target to reduce energy consumption per unit of its gross domestic product by 20 per cent by 2010 over 2005 levels, said Mr Yu. |
于庆泰表示,中国有信心完成从2005年到2010年单位GDP能耗降低20%的目标。 |
He rejected the idea of a rift between China and India. The two countries were closely co-ordinating in the multilateral climate talks, and their positions on the principles of the Copenhagen negotiations were “quite identical”, he said. |
他否认了中国与印度之间存在分歧的说法。他说,两国正在多边气候谈判中密切协调,双方对于哥本哈根谈判的原则立场“相当一致”。 |
译者/和风 |