英语听力汇总   |   IEA:油价上涨可能扼杀经济复苏





The world economy cannot sustain any further rise in the oil price, the International Energy Agency's chief economist warned as oil prices hit a record high for the year.

在油价升至今年新高之际,国际能源机构(IEA)首席经济学家法提赫•比罗尔(Fatih Birol)警告称,世界经济无法承受油价的进一步上涨。

Fatih Birol told the Financial Times that prices higher than about $70 could damp a world economic recovery.


“If we go one step further, if we see prices go much higher than that, we may see it slow down and strangle economic recovery,” he said of oil prices on Friday, when the European benchmark was around $70.


European oil yesterday reached a high for the year of $73.87, spurred by manufacturing data from China and construction data from the US.


Fears have been raised over recent months that the inflationary effect of higher energy prices could impact the monetary measures taken by western governments to get their economies out of recession.


Nicolas Sarkozy, French president, and Gordon Brown, UK prime minister, called for better scrutiny of energy markets at the G8 meeting last month in Italy, and the US commodities regulator began hearings last week that are likely to result in more limits on oil futures trade. UK regulators are also considering whether energy futures markets are adequately controlled.

上月在意大利举行的八国集团(G8)会议上,法国总统尼古拉•萨科齐(Nicolas Sarkozy)和英国首相戈登•布朗(Gordon Brown)呼吁对能源交易市场实施更加严密的监督。美国大宗商品交易监管机构上周开始举行听证会,可能对石油期货交易设置更多限制。英国监管机构也正在考虑,能源期货市场是否受到足够的管控。

However, Mr Birol said that efforts to curb oil speculation were “a good step”, but were not going to significantly reduce prices.


Mr Birol said poorer countries such as those in sub-Saharan Africa would be particularly hurt by higher energy prices. “They will go through a . . . vicious circle of debt as they did a few years ago in order to finance their oil imports,” he said.


The real problem, he said, was declining investment in oil production, which if anything had worsened in recent months.


“If there is a continuation of declining investment in the upstream sector, in a few years' time we may have major difficulties.”


He said Chinese demand would be an important determinant of oil prices, and the worldwide supply and demand balance could become very tight if other countries began to grow in 2011 or 2012.

