英语听力汇总   |   成渝高速上市首日股价暴涨202%





Investors were warned of speculative froth in the Chinese market after Sichuan Expressway, the first company to list on the Shanghai exchange in almost a year, more than tripled on its trading debut.

近一年来在上海证交所上市的首家公司——成渝高速(Sichuan Expressway)上市首日涨幅超过3倍,对此,专家警告投资者:中国股市存在投机泡沫。

The shares in the Chinese toll road operator closed up 202 per cent at Rmb10.90 from its initial public offering price of Rmb3.60 after trading was suspended twice when it hit a high of 323 per cent.


The steep gains bode well for the trading debut of China State Construction Engineering Corporation, the largest home builder, which is expected to start trading tomorrow, and for companies that will list on Shenzhen's planned new board.


China State Construction's IPO – the world's largest since Visa's offering of $19bn in March 2008 – raised Rmb50.16bn ($7.34bn) after pricing the shares at Rmb4.18 apiece.


But observers warned of speculative risks. “We have excess liquidity and many investors appear to see the resumption of the long-suspended listings as an invitation to speculate,” said one analyst who asked not to be named. “These gains are not sustainable.”


Sichuan Expressway's explosive debut also raised doubts about China's ability to build a mature market environment because a circuit-breaker mechanism – rules meant to discourage speculative trading – failed to stop the share price jump. Sichuan Expressway sold 500m new shares in its IPO, raising Rmb1.8bn.


The offering was 414 times subscribed in its retail portion. Although analysts had predicted double-digit gains on the stock's debut, the highest forecast was Rmb6, far below the Rmb15.25 at which the share price peaked


Since Beijing lifted its ban on new listings last month, three companies have listed on Shenzhen's main board and debuted with large first-day gains.

