Porsche's family owners yesterday settled months of feuding over a rescue of Germany's debt-ridden sports car maker by agreeing a merger with Volkswagen and ousting its chief executive Wendelin Wiedeking with a huge €50m ($71m) pay-off. |
保时捷(Porsche)家族所有者昨日同意与大众(Volkswagen)合并,并以5000万欧元(合7100万美元)的丰厚遣散费,罢免其首席执行官文德林•魏德金(Wendelin Wiedeking)。数月来围绕如何救助这家负债累累的德国跑车制造商的纷争,就此尘埃落定。 |
The merger, which is planned for 2011, would bring Porsche under the umbrella of Europe's biggest car and truck empire, where it would join other famous marques including Audi, Bugatti and Bentley. |
合并将于2011年完成,届时,保时捷将加入奥迪(Audi)、布加迪(Bugatti)和宾利(Bentley)的行列,纳入欧洲最大的汽车和卡车帝国。 |
But the terms of Mr Wiedeking's pay-off, one of the biggest ever in Germany, reignited a fierce public row over executive pay in the country, which is heading towards a general election in two months time. One of the best paid managers in the world, Mr Wiedeking was accused by one politician of “cashing in big time”. |
但魏德金的遣散条款——德国历来最高的遣散费之一——再次激起了公众对于德国高管薪酬的强烈不满。德国将在2个月后举行大选。作为全球收入最高的经理人之一,魏德金被一位政界人士指责在“大捞一把”。 |
The agreement on a merger was a personal victory for Ferdinand Piëch, Volkswagen's chairman. The grandson of Ferdinand Porsche, the designer of the VW Beetle who helped found Porsche, has long harboured an ambition to unite the two companies. The proposed merger would catapult his family into the league of global car dynasties such as the Fords or the Agnellis. |
同意合并是大众董事长费迪南德•皮耶希(Ferdinand Piech)的一次个人胜利。皮耶希是大众“甲壳虫”车设计者费迪南德•保时捷(Ferdinand Porsche)的外孙,费迪南德•保时捷帮助创建了保时捷公司。皮耶希一直心怀合并两家公司的抱负。拟议中的合并,将使其家族跻身福特(Ford)、阿涅利(Agnellis)家族等全球汽车王朝之列。 |
“Together, Volkswagen and Porsche have all it takes to occupy a leading position in the international automotive industry,” the 72-year-old patriarch said. |
这位72岁的家族首领表示:“大众与保时捷合起来,具备了在国际汽车行业占据领先地位所需的一切要素。” |
The Porsche families yesterday dismissed Mr Wiedeking and Holger Härter, the sports car maker's chief financial officer. The pugnacious chief executive had fallen out of favour with Mr Piëch, after Porsche's acquisition of more than 50 per cent of Volkswagen left it with net debts of €10bn. |
保时捷家族昨日解雇了魏德金和保时捷首席财务官霍格尔•黑特(Holger Harter)。在保时捷因收购大众逾50%的股份而背上100亿欧元的净债务之后,咄咄逼人的魏德金就失去了皮耶希的好感。 |
译者/陈云飞 |