英语听力汇总   |   铁矿石现货价格逼近每吨100美元





Spot iron ore prices are fast approaching $100 a tonne, well above the levels at which miners and steelmakers in Japan, South Korea and Europe have struck supply deals, as demand outside China recovers.


The surge in spot prices has spurred several banks to forecast that benchmark – annually negotiated – prices will rise next year, reversing their previous expectations of a fall in prices. “The market is going up, up and up,” said one London-based iron ore broker.


Spot ore prices in China rose this week to $93 a tonne – including freight – and industry observers said the market could hit a year high above $100 a tonne in the near term. The surge is a remarkable rebound from April's low of $58 a tonne.


Christopher LaFemina, mining analyst with Barclays Capital in London, forecast a 5 per cent increase in 2010-11, to be followed by another 10 per cent rise the following year.

巴克莱资本(Barclays Capital)驻伦敦的矿业分析师克里斯托弗•拉菲米纳(Christopher La Femina)预测,在2010-11年度,价格将上涨5%,接下的一年将进一步上涨10%。

David Butler, of Cazenove in London, said that a rise of 20 per cent next year was “increasingly a realistic outcome”.

伦敦嘉诚(Cazenove)的戴维•巴特勒(David Butler)表示,明年价位上涨20%正“逐渐成为一个现实的结果”。

The recovery in demand outside China, as steel producers restart idled production, is allowing miners Vale of Brazil, Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton to ship more ore elsewhere and reduce supplies to the Chinese spot market. Spot prices for iron ore in China are rising as a result.

随着钢铁制造商重启闲置的生产设备,中国以外的需求反弹,这使巴西淡水河谷(Vale of Brazil)、力拓(Rio Tinto)和必和必拓(BHP Billiton)等矿商能够向别处发运更多的矿石,而减少对中国现货市场的供应。中国铁矿石现货价格正因此不断上涨。

China's iron ore demand remains strong, with the country's steelmakers in June producing 49.42m tonnes of steel, an all-time monthly high.


BHP Billiton said yesterday that while China had almost completed a build-up in metals and minerals such as iron ore, “restocking” was evident in the US, Europe and Japan. The miner said its ore output fell 10 per cent for the three months ending June.


Malcolm Southwood, of Goldman Sachs JBWere in Sydney, said there was “scope for further strength in spot iron ore prices over the next six to 12 months” because of continued strength in Chinese steel output and “a recent improvement in demand for contract deliveries from non-Chinese steel mills”.

Goldman Sachs JBWere驻悉尼的马尔科姆•索斯伍德(Malcolm Southwood)表示,由于中国钢产量持续高企,以及“中国以外钢厂的合约交割需求近期有所增加”,“未来6至12个月内,铁矿石现货价格还有进一步走高空间”。

The current spot price is almost 15 per cent above the level at which annual benchmark deals have been struck between global miners and big steelmakers outside China. Those agreements cut benchmark prices for the 2009-10 year by about 33 per cent from the 2008-09 level.


Chinese steelmakers and miners remain deadlocked about a benchmark deal for 2009-10.

