I'm sorry to hear that……我很抱歉听到……
I am truly sorry that……我真的很抱歉……
I wish things had happened differently.我真希望情况不是这样的。
It’s my fault.I’m so sorry.是我的错,我道歉。
I regret deeply……我深刻反省……
I am very sorry to inform you……我很抱歉地通知您……It was my mistake.那是我的过失。
Whoops, my bad.哎呀,坏了!
Please excuse me.请原谅我。
I’m so sorry.我很抱歉。
What can I do to make it up to you?我该如何补偿您呢?
Is there anything I can do?有什么是我可以做的?
It's OK, don't worry about it.没事的,不必为此担心。
Forget it.没关系的。
It's no big deal.没什么大不了的。
No biggie.根本不算什么。
You're okay.不用操心。
Don't stress.别有什么压力。
It doesn’t matter.没关系的。
Please be careful next time.请下次注意。
I guess I can forgive you this time.这次我会原谅你的。
You’re forgiven.你已经得到谅解了。