英语听力汇总   |   里昂夜读英语美文[304]:漫游于此的我们 再不携手踏入





Places We Won't Walk

漫游于此的我们 再不携手踏入

Sunlight dances off the leaves

阳光错落挥洒 树叶起舞缤纷

Birds of red color the trees

鸟儿雀跃跳动 装扮红绿树桠

Flowers filled with buzzing bees

蜜蜂嗡嗡茗茗 好不热闹

In places we won't walk

可曾漫游于此的我们 再不携手踏入

Neon lights shine bold and bright

霓虹闪烁 试图冲散驱逐这片黑暗

Buildings grow to daily heights

高楼大厦展立 日渐成林

People come alive at night

人声起伏 夜也不绝

In places we won't walk

可曾漫游于此的我们 再不携手踏入

Family look on in awe

家家户户 森森落落

Battles decorate the floor

几处争鸣 装扮地表

Waves gently stroke the shore

小浪奏鸣 流淌悄然停息于海滨

In places we won't walk

可曾漫游于此的我们 再不携手踏入

Children cry and laugh and play

儿童哭闹 嬉戏玩闹

Slowly hair will turn to gray

时光冉冉 鬓已成霜

We will smile to end each day

我们会否微笑默然 相视直到每日终时

In places we won't walk

可曾漫游于此的我们 再不携手踏入
