Section 1 English-Chinese Translation (英译汉) (50 points)LONGYEARBYEN, Norway — With plant species disappearing at... [查看全文]
Section 1: English-Chinese Translation (50 points)Europe Pushes to Get Fuel From FieldsARDEA, Italy — The previou... [查看全文]
Section 1 English-Chinese Translation (英译汉) (50 points)One of the biggest decisions Andy Blevins has ever made,... [查看全文]
Section 1: English-Chinese Translation (50 points)It took nine years from the time the Danish and Swedish governm... [查看全文]
Section 1 English-Chinese Translation (英译汉) (50 points)Faced with growing evidence that avian influenza is spread... [查看全文]
Section 1: English-Chinese Translation (50 points)Freed by warming, waters once locked beneath ice... [查看全文]
Section 1 English-Chinese Translation (英译汉) (60 points)The Gap between Rich and Poor Widened in U.S. CapitalWash... [查看全文]
Section 1 English-Chinese Translation (英译汉) (60 points)The importance of agriculture cannot be overstated. More t... [查看全文]
Section 1 English-Chinese Translation (英译汉) (60 points)A few weeks back, I asked a 14-year-old... [查看全文]
Section 1 English-Chinese Translation (英译汉) (60 points)Parents are required by law to see that... [查看全文]