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2019-04-10双语美文:三个秘密 告诉你快乐生活很容易

When author Gretchen Rubin embarked on a yearlong "Happiness Project" to figure out what true happiness looks lik... [查看全文]

2019-04-09双语美文:活出精彩 活出生命的质量!

While there may be reasons in life to focus on just survival, to fully live, you must thrive!尽管生活中有理由只关... [查看全文]


苏轼,字子瞻,号东坡居士,文学家、诗人、书画家、药理学家。宋代大诗人之一。一首《水调歌头》道不尽的相思缠绵,那么,在英文里你是否还... [查看全文]


"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." -- Oscar Wilde生活是人生中最宝贵的东... [查看全文]


《失败的意义》是一首励志诗,失败并不代表你就是失败者。作者Robert Harold Schuller是美国诗人。Failure doesn't mean you are... [查看全文]

2019-04-05双语:爱情中 你是拒绝还是接受?

Most people don't naturally think they reject love. By learning what behaviors we engage in that push away o... [查看全文]


Anyone can adopt the habits confident people practice on a regular basis. Below are just some of the ways those... [查看全文]

2019-04-03双语美文:2019新年到 一起开启健康新生活!

小编导读:新年到, 扳扳手指,看看活出生活质量的六大秘诀你都知道吗?AVOID PROCESSED FOOD ADDITIVES拒绝食物添加剂The bacteria i... [查看全文]


Are you average when it comes to mental strength or has putting in some effort made you more resilient than mo... [查看全文]


A brand new year is always exciting! We are filled with anticipation, we resolve to achieve our goals and make... [查看全文]