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Tunnel Warfare: From Gaza to North KoreaThe Palestinian militant group Hamas has received much attention for its ... [查看全文]

2014-08-26VOA慢速英语: 朝鲜准备攻击美国电网吗?

Is North Korea Preparing to Strike US Electric Grid?A longtime national security advisor to the United States Con... [查看全文]

2014-08-25VOA慢速英语: 公共交通的使用率是近60年最高

Use of Mass Transit Is Highest in Nearly 60 YearsA record number of Americans are moving into cities. When they... [查看全文]

2014-08-24VOA慢速英语: 人们食用太多的盐

People Use Too Much SaltThere is good reason for the popularity of salt: It can add to the taste of food. And... [查看全文]

2014-08-23VOA慢速英语: 律师为有需要的人提供免费的法律帮助

Lawyers Give Free Legal Help to NeedyLegal advice can cost a lot. A person with little money does not have the... [查看全文]

2014-08-22VOA慢速英语: 中国政府致力于整治贪官污吏

China Targets Corrupt OfficialsChina is continuing an anti-corruption efforts by targeting officials who have family... [查看全文]

2014-08-21VOA慢速英语: 红十字会负责人称,埃博拉病毒可以被打败

Red Cross Chief Says Ebola Can Be DefeatedThe head of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent... [查看全文]


Diners Increase Business with Healthy FoodRestaurants called diners can be found throughout the United States. They... [查看全文]


Ebola Kills More Than HumansThe Ebola virus has killed more than 1,000 people in West Africa. But it also threa... [查看全文]


Tobacco Plant to Make Jet FuelAn airplane maker, an airline and a biofuel company are working together to make ... [查看全文]