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as it is教程汇总和更新

2015-02-09VOA慢速英语: 中国政府加强网络监管力度

China’s Government Increases Internet ControlFILE - Computer users sit near a monitor with a message from th... [查看全文]

2015-02-09VOA慢速英语: 越南同性恋结婚数量增加

Number of Gay Marriages Increasing in VietnamNguyen Tan Phat said he was happy to hear about the repeal of Viet... [查看全文]

2015-02-05VOA慢速英语: 担惊受怕的乌克兰难民试图在冲突中生存

Fearful Ukrainian Refugees Try to Survive ConflictThe Russian-backed revolt in eastern Ukraine has forced hundreds ... [查看全文]

2015-02-04VOA慢速英语: 奥巴马寻求500亿美元的外交关系经费

Obama Seeks $50 Billion for Foreign Relations SpendingMedia photograph copies of President Obama's new $4 trill... [查看全文]

2015-02-03VOA慢速英语: 印度要改变重男轻女的文化现象

India to Change a Culture of Valuing Boys over GirlsIn this 2009 file photo, newly born babies rest inside a h... [查看全文]

2015-02-02VOA慢速英语: 美国西海岸城市使用海啸避难新标

US West Coast City Using New Tsunami RefugeTsunami sign - Westport, WashingtonThere are coastal towns all around ... [查看全文]

2015-02-02VOA慢速英语: 冬天的天气让叙利亚难民雪上加霜

Winter Weather Worsens Conditions for Syrian RefugeesWinter Weather Worsens Conditions for Syrian Refugees in Lebano... [查看全文]

2015-02-02VOA慢速英语: 韩国希望日本对二战时期的慰安妇问题道歉

South Korea Wants Japan to Apologize to WWII Sex SlavesKorean Women Used as Sex Slaves Meeting Weekly at Japan&r... [查看全文]

2015-02-02VOA慢速英语: 美国前国务卿讨论国家安全

Former Secretaries of State Discuss National SecurityProtesters interrupt a Senate Armed Services hearing on Capitol... [查看全文]

2015-01-30VOA慢速英语: 动物园动物展示它们的艺术天分

Zoo Animals Show Their Artistic SidesAny zookeeper will tell you animals need enrichment, just like humans do.Can... [查看全文]