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2016-06-17VOA慢速英语: 美国国防部反击网络袭击

The United States Department of Defense developed some of the technology that led to the internet.Defense departme... [查看全文]


Boy's Body Found After Alligator Attack at Disney短吻鳄袭击迪士尼后发现男孩尸体Police have recover... [查看全文]


Russia’s soccer team could be disqualified from the UEFA Euro 2016 soccer tournament in France because of i... [查看全文]


ASEAN ministers meeting in China have expressed serious concern about rising tensions in the South China Sea. But... [查看全文]


Time is running out for President Barack Obama to meet his goal of placing 10,000 Syrian refugees in the United... [查看全文]


UN Official Calls for Stronger US Gun Laws联合国呼吁美国采取更严格法律管制枪支The United Nations&rsquo... [查看全文]


Britons are set to vote this month on whether to remain in the European Union.Prime Minister David Cameron calle... [查看全文]


President Barack Obama has declared a national period of mourning for the victims of the mass shooting in Orland... [查看全文]


Orlando Gunman’s Father: ‘I Do Not Know What Caused This’奥兰多枪手之父:我不知道引... [查看全文]


A gunman has killed 50 people and wounded another 53 at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. It was the worst... [查看全文]