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2015-01-16VOA慢速英语: 奥朗德称:穆斯林信徒是激进伊斯兰教的主要受害者

Hollande: Muslims Are Main Victims of Radical IslamFrench President Francois Hollande (center) with Culture minister... [查看全文]

2015-01-15VOA慢速英语: 也门基地组织宣称为《查理周刊》袭击案负责

Al-Qaida in Yemen Claims Charlie Hebdo AttacksNasr al-Ansi, a leader of the Yemeni branch of al-Qaida (AQAP), is... [查看全文]

2015-01-13VOA慢速英语: 法国在遭袭击后的敏感区部署军队

France Deploys Troops in 'Sensitive' Areas after AttackFrench army soldiers patrol near Rue des Rosiers str... [查看全文]

2015-01-09VOA慢速英语: 在法国搜索范围扩大,确定两名嫌疑人

参考译文Search Expands for Two Suspects in France在法国扩大搜索范围,锁定两名嫌疑人French officials are searching for t... [查看全文]

2015-01-08VOA慢速英语: 法国报社遭袭击,至少12人死亡

At Least 12 Dead in Attack on French NewspaperA local resident distributes coffee to reporters gathered at the s... [查看全文]

2015-01-07VOA常速英语: 女子自杀性炸弹袭击伊斯坦布尔警局

Female Suicide Bomber Attacks Istanbul Police StationTurkish officials said one police officer was killed and anoth... [查看全文]


Weather Slows Search for Remains of AirAsia FlightBy VOA05 January, 2015A relative of a victim of AirAsia Flight... [查看全文]

2014-12-31VOA慢速英语: 发现失联亚航乘客遗体

Bodies Recovered From Missing AirAsiaBy Jeri Watson30 December, 2014Commander of Indonesian Air Force 1st Operationa... [查看全文]

2014-12-30VOA慢速英语: 失联亚航可能“沉落海底”

Indonesia: Missing AirAsia Is Likely at the 'Bottom of the Sea'By George Grow29 December, 2014A relative o... [查看全文]


What’s the Word of the Year?这一年用什么词语形容?The American English dictionary publisher... [查看全文]