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In the News教程汇总和更新


From VOA Learning English, this is In The News.Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 has been missing for more than 13 m... [查看全文]

2015-04-17VOA慢速英语: 乌克兰记者在首都基辅被枪杀

Ukrainian Reporter Shot Dead in Kyiv乌克兰记者在首都基辅被枪杀。Two gunmen shot and killed a lea... [查看全文]

2015-04-16VOA慢速英语: 伊朗总统驳斥了美国国会参与核协议

Iran's President Dismisses US Congressional Part in Nuclear DealIranian President Hassan Rouhani says Iran is s... [查看全文]

2015-04-15VOA慢速英语: 奥巴马与伊拉克总理就一些外国势力进行了讨论,并决定给予援助

Obama, Iraqi Prime Minister Discuss Foreign Fighters, AidIraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi met at the White Hou... [查看全文]


United States Senator Marco Rubio of Florida told his supporters Monday he is running for pr... [查看全文]

2015-04-13VOA慢速英语: 希拉里•克林顿宣布参加2016年的总统竞选

Hillary Clinton Announces 2016 Campaign for PresidentI’m running for president. Hillary Clinton kicks off hera... [查看全文]


This week, Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta marked two years in office. The anniversary was observed as Kenyans mo... [查看全文]

2015-04-10VOA慢速英语: 伊朗对于核计划的约束使其终止了制裁

Iran Ties Nuclear Deal to Ending SanctionsIran’s highest leader has demanded that international economic sanct... [查看全文]

2015-04-09VOA慢速英语: Tsarnaev在波士顿爆炸案中的所有指控都成立

Tsarnaev Guilty on All Counts in Boston BombingDzhokhar Tsarnaev was found guilty on all 30 ... [查看全文]


Kentucky Senator Rand Paul has become the second major candidate to seek the Republican Party... [查看全文]