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[听力每日练习]听力每日练习 listen 4940 You really look familiar

1--You really look familiar.2--Really? ...04-25

[听力每日练习]听力每日练习 listen 4939 Plan the next family reunion

1--I've been chosen to plan the n...04-25

[听力每日练习]听力每日练习 listen 4938 Who is this picture of

1--Hey Annie, who is this picture of?...04-25

[听力每日练习]听力每日练习 listen 4937 Can you come to dinner next week at my parents' place


[听力每日练习]听力每日练习 listen 4936 Do you have an idea which character you want to dress up as

1--Let's use the Disney characters...04-25

[听力每日练习]听力每日练习 listen 4935 What part did you get in the play this time

1--What part did you get in the play...04-25

[听力每日练习]听力每日练习 listen 4934 Can you vouch for me that I was with you yesterday

1--Can you vouch for me that I was ...04-25