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2010-12-25商务英语口语会刊 No.191

1.Mark the place on the map. 在地图上标出那个地方。 重点词语:mark n.记号;唛头 vt.做记号于,标明 商务用语:associated trade marks 联合商标 mark-up 加价 2.The firm markets many types of goods. 商行经销 [查看全文]

2010-12-24商务英语口语会刊 No.190

1.We have encountered major problems. 我们遇到大问题了。 重点词语:major adj.主要的,主修的 商务用语:major book 主要账册 major economy 大国经济 2.He managed the supermarket when the owner was away. 老板不 [查看全文]

2010-12-23商务英语口语会刊 No.189

1.The teacher told us to look at the blackboard. 老师叫我们看黑板。 重点词语:look n.看,注视 vt.注视 商务用语:look into 观察,调查 look to 期望 a new look 新貌 2.I cannot find my watch; I must have lost i [查看全文]

2010-12-22商务英语口语会刊 No.188

1.My mother limits the amount of food that I eat. 我母亲限制我的饭量。 重点词语:limit n.限度,限制 vt.限制,限定 商务用语:buying limit 购入限价 aggregate limit 总限额 debt limit 债务限额 2.Water is [查看全文]

2010-12-17商务英语口语会刊 No.187

1.Can you lend me that book for a few days? 你能把那本书借给我几天吗? 重点词语:lend n.(短期)贷款 vt.借给,贷(款) 商务用语:lend money at interest 有息贷款 2.People have been punished for less. 人 [查看全文]

2010-12-16商务英语口语会刊 No.186

1.It is against the law to steal. 偷窃是犯法的。 重点词语:law n.法,法规,法律,规则,规定 商务用语:law merchant 商法,商业习惯法 2.Our country is planning to lay new railroad track. 我国正计划铺设 [查看全文]

2010-12-15商务英语口语会刊 No.185

1.Mr Jones and his two sons are the joint owners of the business. 琼斯先生和他的两个儿子是这个商店的共同所有者。 重点词语:joint adj.联合的 商务用语:a joint declaration 联合声明 joint enterprise 合资 [查看全文]

2010-12-14商务英语口语会刊 No.184

1.We are getting more internal competition for our products. 我们的产品正面对日益激烈的国内竞争。 重点词语:internal vt.内部的,国内的 商务用语:internal debts 内债 internal affairs 国内事物 internal [查看全文]

2010-12-13商务英语口语会刊 No.183

1.We are getting more internal competition for our products. 我们的产品正面对日益激烈的国内竞争。 重点词语:internal vt.内部的,国内的 商务用语:internal debts 内债 internal affairs 国内事物 internal [查看全文]

2010-12-11商务英语口语会刊 No.182

1.Malicious gossip could injure his chances of success. 恶意的流言会危及他成功的希望。 重点词语:injure vt.损害,伤害 商务用语:injure a man's pride 伤害某人的自尊心 2.I take it as a personal injury. 我认 [查看全文]