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2018-09-07英语六级攻克阅读关键句192. This fear mechanism is critical to the su

192. This fear mechanism is critical to the survival of all animals, but no one can say for sure whether beast... [查看全文]

2018-09-06英语六级攻克阅读关键句192. This fear mechanism is critical to the su

192. This fear mechanism is critical to the survival of all animals, but no one can say for sure whether beast... [查看全文]

2018-09-06英语六级攻克阅读关键句191. "They're taught that profit is all that m

191. "They're taught that profit is all that matters," he says. "Many schools don't even offer ethics (伦理学) c... [查看全文]

2018-09-05英语六级攻克阅读关键句190. But you might think about how you would a

190. But you might think about how you would approach the acquisition process if you had it to do all over ag... [查看全文]

2018-09-04英语六级-攻克阅读关键句189. We saw that there was so much we could ge

189.Wesawthattherewassomuchwecouldgetridofandnotonlynevermiss,butbebetteroffwithout.译文 我们发现有这么多应该扔掉的东西;我们不仅... [查看全文]

2018-09-03英语六级-攻克阅读关键句188. The fire saved us the agony of deciding w

188.Thefiresavedustheagonyofdecidingwhattokeepandwhattogetridof.译文 那场大火为我们省去了决定什么东西应该抛弃、什么东西应该留下来... [查看全文]

2018-09-02英语六级-攻克阅读关键句187. All too often, it is the lack of action t

187.Alltoooften,itisthelackofactionthatultimatelyholdspeoplebackfromattainingtheirideals.译文 缺少行动往往是阻碍人们实现理想的根... [查看全文]

2018-09-01英语六级-攻克阅读关键句186. Many find it difficult to steer away from

186.Manyfinditdifficulttosteerawayfromacareerpathormakeachange,evenifitdoesn'tfeelright.译文 许多人发现从一种职业换到另外一个... [查看全文]

2018-08-31英语六级-攻克阅读关键句185. Given the recent change of control in Con

185.GiventherecentchangeofcontrolinCongress,thepopularityofmeasureslikeincreasingtheminimumwage,andeffortsbyCalifornia'sgovern... [查看全文]

2018-08-30英语六级-攻克阅读关键句184. To classify parenting as a personal choic

184.Toclassifyparentingasapersonalchoiceforwhichthereisnocollectiveresponsibilityisnotmerelytoignorethesocialbenefitsofgoodparenti... [查看全文]