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2015-04-11四级备考高频词汇 237

infect v.传染,感染,使受影响典型例句:One of the boys in the class had a fever and he soon infected other childre... [查看全文]

2015-04-11四级备考高频词汇 236

indoor a.室内的,室内进行的典型例句:There is an indoor pool in this house.译文:这栋房子里有一个室内游泳池。industrial a... [查看全文]

2015-04-11四级备考高频词汇 235

indication n.指示,表示,表明典型例句:Did he give you any indication of his feelings?译文:他向你表示过他的感情吗?巧记:... [查看全文]

2015-04-11四级备考高频词汇 234

improvement n.改进,改善,改进处典型例句:There's been a great improvement in his history and literature this term... [查看全文]

2015-04-10四级备考高频词汇 233

impose v.利用,欺骗 v.把……强加,征(税)典型例句:New duties were imposed on wines and spirits.译文:酒类被加征新税。名师... [查看全文]

2015-04-10四级备考高频词汇 232

implement n.工具,服装 v.贯彻,执行典型例句:The committee's decisions will be implemented immediately.译文:委员会的... [查看全文]

2015-04-10四级备考高频词汇 231

immediately ad.立刻,马上典型例句:Opposition parties, the media and the public immediately voiced their support for ... [查看全文]

2015-04-02四级备考高频词汇 230

landlord n.地主,房东,店主名师导学:landlord是个组合词,其中land表示陆地,土地。与海域相比较时,地球的硬表层叫做land(不可数),但... [查看全文]

2015-04-01四级备考高频词汇 229

label n.标签,标记,符号 vt.贴标签于;把……称为历年真题:Many products had specially-designed labels to make them seem ... [查看全文]

2015-04-01四级备考高频词汇 228

kindergarten n.幼儿园典型例句:He went to the kindergarten at the age of three.译文:他三岁上幼儿园。名师导学:幼儿园是k... [查看全文]