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2015-06-05四级备考高频词汇 287

obey v.顺从,服从历年真题:The sportsman first of all obeys the fish and game laws.译文:这些运动爱好者首先要遵守钓鱼规... [查看全文]

2015-06-04四级备考高频词汇 286

normal a.正常的,平常的,正规的,规范的历年真题:Years ago, doctors often said that pain was a normal part of life.译... [查看全文]

2015-06-03四级备考高频词汇 285

nuclear a.核子的,核能的,核武器的;核心的典型例句:With a long history, China used to be the nuclear civilization of ... [查看全文]

2015-06-02四级备考高频词汇 284

negotiate v.洽谈,协商,顺利通过,成功越过,协商,谈判典型例句:Union and management hope they can negotiate a contract ... [查看全文]

2015-06-01四级备考高频词汇 283

navigation n.航行(学),航海(术),航空(术);导航,领航典型例句:Now they are ready to solve problems of space travel, fro... [查看全文]

2015-05-29四级备考高频词汇 282

naked a.裸体的,无遮蔽的典型例句:We cannot see germs with our naked eyes.译文:我们用肉眼(裸眼)看不见细菌。名师导学:nake... [查看全文]

2015-05-28四级备考高频词汇 281

museum n.博物馆典型例句:Did you visit the Palace Museum in Beijing?译文:你去过北京故宫博物院吗?mushroom n.蘑菇 vi.迅速... [查看全文]

2015-05-28四级备考高频词汇 280

mug n.大杯 vt.对……行凶抢动典型例句:A lot of people won't go out alone at night for fear of being mugged.译... [查看全文]

2015-05-25四级备考高频词汇 279

motive n.动机,目的典型例句:The police could not find a motive for the murder.译文:警方未能找出谋杀者的杀人动机。巧记... [查看全文]

2015-05-22四级备考高频词汇 278

  moral a.道德的,有道德的 n.品行,道德规范,寓意  历年真题:Ordinary citizens are now starting to think seriously a... [查看全文]