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Dear General Manager, As a staff of Sales Department, I'm very glad to see the rapid development of our hotel. With the coming of New Year, I am writing to you to pre I think more on the further improvement of our hotel-to establish a websi [查看全文]

2010-11-24雅思考试作文: 给小孩零用钱的利与弊(Pocket Money)

With the development of our modern society, people's living conditions become much more comfortable. But along with intense competition, parents have less time to consider children's needs in all-round. One method to solve this ontradiction [查看全文]

2010-11-19雅思考试作文: 有人给学校捐款,建议如何使用

Dear President, November 11, 1999 I'm very happy to hear that a famous author has donated considerable money to our institute. And I think we could use it to establish an education fund to aid our teachers to study abroad. Firstly, teachers [查看全文]


在雅思的教学中,常常会听到学生抱怨不知该如何写好一篇作文。过去半年,雅思的大作文话题相对集中,一些考生在考试时信心十足,认为自己字数足够、思路清晰、论据完整充分, [查看全文]


雅思阅读中语法体现 并列平行结构Co-ordination Constructions “并列平行结构”是一个比较笼统的提法。事实上,在一个较长的英语句子中,并列平行的部分可能是几个句子,也... [查看全文]


雅思阅读中语法体现 并列平行结构Co-ordination Constructions “并列平行结构”是一个比较笼统的提法。事实上,在一个较长的英语句子中,并列平行的部分可能是几个句子,也... [查看全文]


雅思常考易混词300组 abode n.住所, 住处 bode v.预示vbl.忍耐 boding adj.凶兆的, 先兆的n.凶兆, 前兆, 预感 acquiesce ... [查看全文]


雅思写作实用片语500条 1.sign sb 与(球员明星)签约 2.be heavily influenced by 3.His fee was then a British record of $ 28 million. 4.Despite repeat... [查看全文]


1. Headings 〈找小标题〉 n 题型要求 文章由若干段话组成,要求给每段话找个小标题。小标题即指该段话的段落大意,中心思想,主旨。 本题型不是让你写... [查看全文]


朗阁培训中心 有没有想过,你性格上的小习惯,会直接影响你的雅思口语成绩呢?这个是真的哦!经过长时间的实体研究,在这里总结出了各种不同性格的同学应试特点,并给出了... [查看全文]