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As the Oscar for best picture was being presented at the 89th Academy Awards on Sunday night, Tim Ryan, the U.... [查看全文]

2017-02-28奥斯卡也有幸运战衣 这么穿的女演员都拿奖了

The process of deciding on an outfit for the Oscars normally begins months in advance of the highly anticipated... [查看全文]


Beyoncé’s seemingly effortless performance at the 59th annual Grammy Awards earlier this month was all... [查看全文]


Pity the poor losing Oscar nominees at Hollywood's opulent Dolby theatre later this month. Not only must they... [查看全文]


Although it’s acceptable for characters from Disney animations (动画片) to suddenly break into songs and danc... [查看全文]

2017-02-23不骗你 好莱坞其实只有8位男星

Seriously, which of these mouths belong to Orlando Bloom?讲真的,下图中哪张嘴是精灵王子奥兰多•布鲁姆的?1. Maybe the... [查看全文]

2017-02-23《生活大爆炸》有望再续两季 主演每集片酬高达百万美元

经《好莱坞报道》证实,《生活大爆炸》有望再续两季。该剧的五位主演——吉姆•帕森斯、约翰尼•盖尔克奇、卡蕾•库奥科、西蒙•赫尔伯格 [查看全文]

2017-02-14克鲁尼夫妇将喜迎龙凤胎 盘点娱乐界的多胞胎妈妈

George Clooney and wife Amal are expecting twins in June.乔治•克鲁尼和妻子阿迈勒即将在六月迎来双胞胎宝宝的降生。The... [查看全文]

2017-02-142016十佳专辑 格莱美观战必备

While 2016 was a bummer of a year for a whole host of reasons, no on can deny it was a banner year for mus... [查看全文]


Winning an Oscar isn't all about acting ability.赢得奥斯卡奖似乎并非全靠演技。While the awards claim they recogniz... [查看全文]