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距离今年的高考开考还剩一周多的时间,各位考生你们准备好了吗?希望大家都能消除考前紧张情绪,发挥出最佳水平。1. I'm very nervou... [查看全文]

2018-05-27应乘客要求 美联航恢复供应番茄汁

The juice of a fruit once thought to cause madness -- the tomato -- got United Airlines in hot water with tra... [查看全文]


Disruption to the body clock increases the risk of mood disorders and depression, a large study has confirmed.一... [查看全文]


A California report finds the number of cases of sexually transmitted diseases in the state reached are cord hig... [查看全文]

2018-05-26印度多地遭雷暴雨袭击 造成数十人死亡

More than 30 people have been killed and many others injured after a thunderstorm, accompanied by rains and gust... [查看全文]


With best friends like these, who needs enemies?有这样的好朋友,谁还需要敌人?An Iowa man says his dog inadvertently ... [查看全文]


A Michigan boy found a way to make his mark on the occasion of his mother's marriage proposal.密歇根州的一个... [查看全文]

2018-05-25形容食物好吃除了delicious 你还会别的吗?

世界上的美食太多太多了,相信很多小伙伴们都是吃货。对于吃货来说,唯美食不可辜负。面对各种美味,只会说delicious怎么够呢?想要更地道地... [查看全文]

2018-05-2530岁男子“啃老”8年 父母一气之下告上法庭

美国纽约州最高法院22日对一起啃老诉讼作出裁决,要求一名现年30岁的男子必须搬离父母住宅。法庭文件显示,迈克尔在父母家居住8年,不交房... [查看全文]

2018-05-24老外常说的Millennials,Generation X,Baby Boomers啥意思?

汉语中用80后、90后、00后指在某一时期出生的人群,英语中也有这样的词汇,例如,Millennials指1981-1996年间出生的人,Generation X指196... [查看全文]