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2020-08-24社交用语——询问联系方式 Contact Details

社交用语——询问联系方式 Contact Details问地址Do you know Carl's new address?你知道卡尔的新地址吗?问e-mailWould you mind... [查看全文]

2020-08-24社交用语——找路 Finding the Way

社交用语——找路 Finding the Way问路Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the Global Trade Center?打扰一下,您... [查看全文]

2020-08-23社交用语——道别 Saying Goodbye

社交用语——道别 Saying Goodbye道别I think it's about time we made a move.我想我们该动身了。赠言See you later!回见!T... [查看全文]

2020-08-23社交用语—— 做介绍 Introduction

社交用语—— 做介绍 Introduction自我介绍 I'm Emily Song and I'm Mr Tan's secretary.我是埃米莉·宋,谭先生的... [查看全文]

2020-08-22社交用语:问候 Greetings

社交用语—— 问候 Greetings打招呼 How are you doing?最近怎么样?I'm OK.我很好。What's new?近况如何?What's up... [查看全文]

2020-08-22求职文书: 录用通知 Acceptance Letter

高频句Miller Broadcasting is pleased to offer you a job as Marketing Director. Miller广播公司很高兴为您提供市场部经理... [查看全文]

2020-08-21求职文书: 招聘广告 Job Posting

高频句Immediate opening available for……急需……Experience in accounting strongly preferred.在财会方面有经验者优先考虑。Co... [查看全文]

2020-08-21求职文书: 推荐信 Letter of Recommendation

高频句It is my pleasure to provide a recommendation for Jenny Smith.我很荣幸地向您推荐Jenny Smith。I have known Clif... [查看全文]

2020-08-20求职文书:求职信 Cover Letter

高频句I have 15 years of experience in marketing field.我在营销方面有15年的经验。I feel I am well qualified for thi... [查看全文]

2020-08-20通用公文:新闻发布稿 Press Release

高频句For immediate release.立即发布。If you would like more information about this topic, contact……欲知更多信息,请... [查看全文]