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2014-04-15巴基斯坦9月大男孩被控谋杀 终交保获释

  A nine-month-old boy who appeared in Pakistan charged with attempting to murder police officers has been clear... [查看全文]

2014-04-14神奇3D打印笔 堪比传说中的马良神笔

  Humans are accustomed to drawing in the air. We gesture with our hands when talking and will try to illustr... [查看全文]


来自中国安全研究团队Keen Team在上周的黑客大赛中攻克了公认最安全的苹果浏览器Safari,赢得了4万美元的奖金。团队成员表示,其中部分奖... [查看全文]


Great thinkers such as Laozi, Confucius and Mozi, to name just a few, explored a wide range of topics from the... [查看全文]


北京大学国家发展研究院教授、名誉院长林毅夫在博鳌亚洲论坛2014年会的博鳌对话专场林毅夫:从西潮到东风上表示,到2020年—2030年国际上可... [查看全文]

2014-04-10瑞典测试6小时工作制 希望提高员工工作效率

Hundreds of Swedish workers are trialling a six-hour working day in the hopes that it will cut sick leave and ... [查看全文]


Japan will welcome U.S. President Barack Obama as a state guest with ceremonial flourishes later this month, Toky... [查看全文]

2014-04-08Windows XP今日正式退休 我还能用XP吗?

Although the operating system is more than 12 years old, and Windows XP computers haven't been shipped since... [查看全文]

2014-04-02Chile declares disaster in quake-hit regions智利宣布地震灾区的灾情

  Chile has declared two northern regions hit by a 8.2 magnitude earthquake to be disaster areas.  At least f... [查看全文]


  Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev is in Crimea - the most senior Russian to visit the region since Russ... [查看全文]