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Alibaba Group announced Monday that it invested$590 million in one of China’s lesser-knownsmartphone makers, M... [查看全文]


I’m sitting in Sumon Pal’s office in Boston’s BackBay, and while fixing two small electrodes to ... [查看全文]

2015-03-05拯救捷豹路虎 汽车品牌最成功的跨国收购

The prospects for the Jaguar and Land Roverbrands under the ownership of Tata Motors of Indialooked weirdly uncer... [查看全文]

2015-03-05随着火箭发射变便宜 500强公司将竞逐"太空资源"

Close, but no cigar. This time.这次离成功也就一步之遥。Behold the words of SpaceX founder Elon Musk,offering a post-... [查看全文]


On Monday, Sony sold its online gaming division toNew York investment management firm ColumbusNova for an undisclo... [查看全文]

2015-03-04牛肉干来了 下一个百亿美元市场

Five or ten years ago, Hershey’s announcementthis week that it will acquire a maker of jerky snacksmight ha... [查看全文]


用微博标签#讨论话题十分方便,极简洁的标签友好词语也应运而生。你能想象#DTLA 代表洛杉矶市区吗?下一次说不定要轮到#DTBJ 了。A hasht... [查看全文]

2015-03-04混搭的Chap hop音乐

Chap hop是什么音乐?患有强迫症的小伙伴们看着这个词是不是很纠结,是hip hop?是rap?我们现在就来一探究竟。Chap hop is a bizarre ... [查看全文]


针对一些婚恋网站屡现违法违规和严重失信行为的问题,为依法打击网上婚恋网站乱象,维护群众合法权益,促进网络诚信建设制度化,国家网信办... [查看全文]


A swimming teacher claims she is a human buoy - because she can float upright in water without sinking.一名游泳... [查看全文]