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China on Sunday launched its first freight train to London, the China Railway Corporation said.周日,中国铁路公司称... [查看全文]

2017-01-05威廉王子明年搬家或辞职 这是登基的前奏?

Since Duke and Duchess of Cambridge became parents three years ago, they have turned Anmer Hall in Norfolk into... [查看全文]

2017-01-05太原惊现“川普公鸡” 发型手势都一样(图)

What do you get when you cross the year of the rooster with the year of Trump?当鸡年和特朗普年同时到来时会发生什么... [查看全文]

2017-01-052016国产手机市场份额大增 产量占全球半壁江山!

As the largest market for smartphones, China has seen a decreased market share held by leading phone-makers inclu... [查看全文]

2017-01-05年关将至九成人口感到焦虑 你也有同感?

A large number of people feel anxious at the end of the year, with money worries being the biggest concern.很多... [查看全文]


In a healthy relationship, partners support one another but are perfectly capable of leading their own lives. In... [查看全文]


导语:最近几年可能有不少人的除夕夜都是在抢红包中度过的,过年的其他节目似乎已经被逐渐忽视了。不过最近腾讯表示,2017年春节将不再有微... [查看全文]


如何表现的懂礼貌是项学问,因为文化差异,有些在一个国家被认为是礼貌的举动到了另一个国家可能截然相反,反之亦然……日本这个国家吧,就... [查看全文]


Desk jobs, fast food and the daily grind are taking their toll, says Public Health England.英国公共卫生部表示,办公... [查看全文]


A sheep's head, a prosthetic leg, Kermit the Frog and a live ferret are among a top ten list of the weird... [查看全文]