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1.Brag about salary1.吹嘘工资If your new job has resulted in a significant payincrease, that's good for you. H... [查看全文]


China's unmanned lunar probe Chang'e-5, set to belaunched around December 2017, will bring lunar soilsamples... [查看全文]

2017-01-26为纠正课文配图 五年级小学生'叫板'人教社

A Beijing primary school student recently wrote tothe People's Education Press(PEP) for answers aftershe found ... [查看全文]

2017-01-25天津大妈街头摆射击摊 却因非法持枪罪获刑

The Hebei district court of Tianjin Municipality hassentenced a women to three years and six months inprison afte... [查看全文]


More than 34 million rural students have benefitedfrom the Chinese government's rural nutritionprogram since 201... [查看全文]


The new 12-sided 1 pound coin will enter circulationon March 28, the British government said.英国政府日前声称,新版1... [查看全文]


Cristiano Ronaldo's agent says the superstarrejected an offer from a Chinese Super League clubthat would have ... [查看全文]


Many people love to watch Korean dramas, butsometimes some Chinese dramas just manage tocapture attentions with th... [查看全文]

2017-01-23报告指出 中国企业对美投资额创纪录

Chinese companies invested a record of $45.6b inthe US in 2016, tripling the amount in 2015,according to a resea... [查看全文]


10.Justin Timberlake: Can't Stop the Feeling!10.贾斯汀·汀布莱克:Can't Stop the Feeling!Can't Stop the Fee... [查看全文]