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导读:持续高温少雨天气,导致中国西南五省的旱情不断加重。其中云南、广西的部分地区的旱情已达到特大干旱等级,贵州省秋冬连旱,出现80年一遇的严重干旱,部分地区旱情甚至... [查看全文]


  Don’t add more pressure. Forget about turning lemons into lemonade. The first rule to follow when trying to turn around a b... [查看全文]


Everyone makes mistakes. Usually you can correct your error or just forget about it and move on. Making a mistake at work, however, can be... [查看全文]

2010-04-02噩梦情景 男女有"别"

There were clear differences in the topics that haunted the sleep of the sexes in the study conducted in Germany.   在德国实施的一... [查看全文]


I can see very little special interests that can be promoted by the new labor law. Even the lawyers I talked to opposed it, saying... [查看全文]


A maths genius who won fame this week for apparently spurning a million-dollar prize is living with his mother in a humble flat in... [查看全文]


  Losing a loved one, being chased by a monster or running hopelessly late for a vital appointment - it's all the stuff of nightma... [查看全文]


Cell Phone Use Endangers Boneheads   “傻瓜们”,使用手机请注意! [page] The jury is still out on the relationship between cell... [查看全文]


So, I think I got the point across to’em, but you ought to take a j- when you get out of here, take a job you love. Don&... [查看全文]


Europe's best known landmarks - including the Eiffel Tower, Big Ben and Rome's Colosseum - fell dark Saturday, following Sydney's Ope... [查看全文]