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Google requests non-jury trial in response to US antitrust lawsuit谷歌请求无陪审团审判以回应美国反垄断诉讼Google has re... [查看全文]


Concerns of AI searchAI搜索带来的疑虑Google’s deployment of AI to condense search results is causing publishers... [查看全文]

2024-05-21前沿资讯: 24亿美元的风险投资注入加密货币初创公司

Event Overview事件概述Crypto startup funding surged to $2.4 billion in the first quarter of 2024, marking a second... [查看全文]

2024-05-21前沿资讯:TikTok 和司法部推动对字节跳动剥离法的快速审查

Event Overview事件概述The US Justice Department (DOJ) and TikTok requested a US appeals court to expedite the revi... [查看全文]


英国首相里希·苏纳克在英国人工智能(AI)安全峰会第二天的闭幕新闻发布会上发表讲话Event Overview事件概述South Korea and the UK... [查看全文]


Event Overview事件概述The UK’s AI safety institute is set to open an office in the US this summer, aiming ... [查看全文]


Event Overview事件概述France is set to host tech executives and political figures this week, including former US S... [查看全文]

2024-05-21前沿资讯:法国公司Pasqal 将在沙特阿拉伯推出第一台量子计算机

Event Overview事件概述Paris-based quantum computing startup Pasqal has inked a significant deal with Saudi Arabia&rsq... [查看全文]

2024-05-20资讯:媒体爆料OpenAI 强权条款,CEO公开回应

OpenAI employees who left the company without signing a non-disparagement agreement could have lost vested equity ... [查看全文]


Normally, in-vitro fertilization, or IVF, is a manual affair.通常,体外受精(IVF)是手工操作。A doctor performs a smal... [查看全文]