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2021-10-07京翰·重庆大渡口区校区·巩固提高 一节课多少钱

When a man loves a womanWhen a man loves a womanMy friend John McHugh is always telling me things, things that... [查看全文]

2021-10-07京翰·广州天河校区·一对一辅导 效果怎么样

一个恪守一生的承诺  【京翰·广州天河校区地址】广州市天河区,天河北路689号,光大银行银行3层。400-616-1015转分机4323#(温馨提示:400... [查看全文]

2021-10-07京翰·郑州郑州全日制分校·辅导怎么收费 家长口碑好不好

irony and pityIrony and pity讽刺与怜悯The more I think of the problems of our lives,the more I am persuaded that... [查看全文]

2021-10-06京翰·郑州碧沙岗校区·辅导课程有吗 是怎么收费的

Releasing the PastReleasing the Past 往事如烟你是否为你曾经做过的事,或失败的事而对自己耿耿于怀?每个人都会在某种程度上有... [查看全文]

2021-10-06京翰·太原长风校区·怎么辅导 辅导效果如何

May BeMaybe God wanted us to meet the wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet ... [查看全文]

2021-10-06京翰·重庆鲁能校区·辅导怎么收费 位置在哪里

A Parable of a ChildA Parable of a Child一个孩子的寓言by Steve Goodier 李 瑾 译父母说:“我有一个孩子,他/她将来会成... [查看全文]

2021-10-06京翰·西安经开校区·辅导班有没有 具体位置在哪联系电话多少

我想! 我做! 我得到!There's a great song out there by Jimmy Cliff,one of reggae's top artists, that in six words... [查看全文]

2021-10-06京翰·武汉中南未来校区·一对一辅导 大概收费标准

脚下的草地才是最绿的Have you ever thought life would be better anywhere other than where you are right now? Maybe... [查看全文]

2021-10-06京翰·重庆北部新区-龙湖校区·课外补习班 家长口碑怎么样

将爱放飞 令爱常驻 将爱放飞 令爱常驻There was once a lonely girl who longed so much for love. One day while she ... [查看全文]

2021-10-05京翰·成都金沙校区·课外辅导补习 师资力量如何

此去经年昨天清晨, 我在等地铁. 看看地铁上方的电视屏幕, 上面显示还有七分钟列车才到站, 于是我拿起随身带的一本书看起来. 地铁里人... [查看全文]