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2023年03月02日 VOA慢速英语:希腊客运列车事故造成多人死伤





Passenger Train Crash in Greece Leaves Many Dead, Injured

At least 36 people died and many others were hurt when two trains crashed into each other late Tuesday in northern Greece.
周二晚些时候,两列火车在希腊北部相撞,造成至少 36 人死亡,多人受伤。
One train was carrying people and the other was moving goods. Many of those who died were young people in their 20s.
The accident took place near the Vale of Tempe, about 380 kilometers north of Athens.
Investigators are working to find the cause of the crash. Greek police said they arrested the stationmaster in the nearby city of Larissa.
State broadcaster ERT said the trains were traveling at speeds of more than 140 kilometers per hour when they ran into each other.
国家广播公司 ERT 称,两列火车相撞时的时速超过 140 公里。
Survivors said the crash threw passengers through windows. Some bodies were found 40 meters from the crash site.
幸存者说,坠机事故将乘客从窗户抛出。在距离坠机现场 40 米处发现了一些尸体。
Stefanos Gogakos was sitting near the back of the passenger train. He said it felt like an explosion. He could see a fire at the front of the train. He was covered in glass, he said.
Stefanos Gogakos 坐在旅客列车的后部附近。他说感觉就像爆炸一样。他可以看到火车前部着火了。他说,他浑身都是玻璃。
"My head hit the roof," he said. "Some people started to climb out through the windows because there was smoke in the carriage."
“我的头撞到了屋顶,”他说。 “有些人开始从窗户爬出去,因为车厢里有烟。”
On Wednesday, pictures showed several train cars off the tracks. Some of the train cars were on top of each other. Emergency trucks were all around the area. A crane was also there to lift the train cars off one another.
Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis visited the crash site.
He said, "I can guarantee one thing: We will find out the causes of this tragedy and we will do all that's in our power so that something like this never happens again."
Greek President Katerina Sakellaropoulou went to the site to put flowers down.
The government said there would be three days of national mourning and flags flew at half-staff outside the European Commission in Brussels.
Greece's transport minister, Kostas Karamanlis, resigned on Wednesday. He said he was taking responsibility for the country's "long-standing failures" to fix a railway system that he said was not fit for the 21st century.
希腊交通部长科斯塔斯·卡拉曼利斯 (Kostas Karamanlis) 于周三辞职。他说,他要为该国“长期未能”修复他认为不适合 21 世纪的铁路系统负责。
Rescue worker Lazaros Sarianidis told ERT "it will take a long time" to move the train cars and remove the bodies.
救援人员 Lazaros Sarianidis 告诉 ERT “需要很长时间”才能移动火车车厢并移走尸体。
Vassilis Polyzos lives near the crash site. He was one of the first people to arrive at the scene. "The trains were completely destroyed," he said. "People … were scared – very scared."
Vassilis Polyzos 住在坠机现场附近。他是第一批到达现场的人之一。 “火车被完全摧毁,”他说。 “人们……很害怕——非常害怕。”
The Greek Railroad Workers Union said the drivers of the two trains were both killed.
Greece's firefighting service said 66 people were taken to hospitals. More than 200 people who survived the crash without serious injuries were taken by bus to Thessaloniki, about 130 kilometers away.
希腊消防部门表示,有 66 人被送往医院。 200 多人在事故中幸免于难,但没有受重伤,他们乘坐公共汽车前往约 130 公里外的塞萨洛尼基。

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