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2023年02月05日 VOA慢速英语:意大利船进行最远的南航





Italian Ship Makes Farthest Southern Journey
An Italian ship in waters near Antarctica has sailed further south than any ship has done before. The ship was able to make it so far south because of an unusual lack of ice in the Antarctic.
The ship, called the Laura Bassi, made it into the Bay of Whales in the Ross Sea. The location was confirmed by Italy's Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics.
这艘名为 Laura Bassi 的船驶入了罗斯海的鲸鱼湾。该地点得到了意大利海洋学和应用地球物理学研究所的确认。
The Laura Bassi is carrying scientists researching in the Antarctic. Franco Sedmak is the ship's captain. He expressed both happiness and sadness when he spoke with Italy's ANSA news agency.
Laura Bassi 载着在南极进行研究的科学家。Franco Sedmak 是这艘船的船长。他在接受意大利安莎通讯社采访时表达了快乐和悲伤。
"I am happy with setting a record, but at the same time I am sad to see that things are really changing here in Antarctica and in the world in general," he said.
Sedmak attempted a similar trip in 2017 but could not make it as far because the ice was too thick. He said this time, there was much less ice.
Sedmak 曾在 2017 年尝试过一次类似的旅行,但由于冰层太厚而未能走得那么远。他说这次冰少了很多。
"I never thought that I would find such a melting of the ice after a few years to be able to go as far south as we managed this year," Sedmak said.
Satellite images in 2022 showed the area around Antarctica is losing ice very quickly.
2022 年的卫星图像显示南极洲周围地区的冰层正在迅速流失。
Researchers on the ship are studying water temperatures and the health of fish in the area. They took samples as far down as 216 meters to help them get a better understanding of the sea currents. Early results show that the water remained extremely cold and that there is still a large number of young fish.
船上的研究人员正在研究该地区的水温和鱼类的健康状况。他们采集了深达 216 米的样本,以帮助他们更好地了解海流。初步结果显示,水仍然非常冷,还有大量的幼鱼。

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