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2023年02月03日 VOA慢速英语:阿根廷成立新的大麻和大麻机构





Argentina Launches New Hemp and Cannabis Agency

Argentina recently launched a new national agency that aims to expand the country's cannabis industry. Ministers hope that the move will help create new jobs and exports for the South American nation.
In a conference launching the national hemp and cannabis agency, ARICCAME, Economy Minister Sergio Massa said,
在启动国家大麻和大麻机构 ARICCAME 的会议上,经济部长塞尔吉奥马萨说,
"This opens the door for Argentina to start a new path in terms of industrial exports, on the basis of huge global demand."
He added, "All this needs to be transformed into an industry which generates work, which generates exports for Argentina and which generates value."
Massa said that the agency would begin working with local governments and industry. Argentina is depending on demand for projects linked to the agriculture and industrial sector, he said.
Francisco Echarren, who will lead the agency, said the industry could create thousands of new jobs, technological developments and new products for export.
将领导该机构的 Francisco Echarren 表示,该行业可以创造数以千计的新就业机会、技术发展和用于出口的新产品。
"We have a huge challenge ahead of us," he said, "not only getting a new industry on its feet, but giving millions of Argentines access to products that improve quality of life."
Argentina made cannabis oil legal for medicinal use in 2017. This change permitted the federal government to grow the plant for research and treatment purposes.
阿根廷于 2017 年将大麻油合法用于药用。这一变化允许联邦政府种植这种植物用于研究和治疗目的。
In 2020, Argentina made it legal for people to grow marijuana at home for medicinal use. The act also made it legal for drug stores to sell products taken from cannabis. In addition, the new rule ordered insurers to cover marijuana-based medications for patients with written permission from a doctor.
2020 年,阿根廷规定人们在家中种植大麻用于药用是合法的。该法案还规定药店销售大麻产品是合法的。此外,新规定要求保险公司在获得医生书面许可的情况下为患者承保大麻类药物。
Uruguay became the first modern country to directly permit growing, selling and smoking marijuana in 2013. In Colombia, President Gustavo Petro has also spoken about more laws to increase the country's cannabis industry.
乌拉圭在 2013 年成为第一个直接允许种植、销售和吸食大麻的现代国家。在哥伦比亚,总统古斯塔沃·佩特罗也谈到了更多的法律来促进该国的大麻产业。
I'm John Russell.


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