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Southeast Asian nations are increasingly looking to share power as a result of concerns about climate change.

Malaysia and Indonesia signed a deal in Bali, Indonesia in August to study 18 possible areas where cross-border power lines can be set up.

Those links could eventually create power equal to what 33 nuclear power plants would produce in a year. The links are economically and technically possible, and now are supported by regional governments, said Beni Suryadi a power expert at the ASEAN Center for Energy in Jakarta, Indonesia.
这些联系最终可能产生相当于33座核电站一年发电量的电力。印尼雅加达东盟能源中心的电力专家Beni Suryadi表示,这些连接在经济和技术上都是可行的,现在得到了地区政府的支持。

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN is a political and economic group of 10 countries across a large area. The group includes small countries such as Brunei and Singapore as well as larger ones such as Indonesia and Vietnam.
南亚国家联盟(Association of Southeast Asian Nations,简称东盟)是一个由10个国家组成的政治和经济集团。该集团包括文莱和新加坡等小国,以及印度尼西亚和越南等大国。

Cross-border power purchases accounted for just 2.7 percent of the region's capacity in 2017, says the Global Interconnection Journal. But those were between two countries, such as Thailand and Laos.

Now, more countries are looking at power sharing as a way to move their economies away from coal and other fossil fuels. Vietnam would like a regional grid so it could sell clean energy from offshore wind to its neighbors. And the Malaysian area of Sarawak is looking to sell its hydropower to neighboring Indonesia.

The plan for a regional grid between the 10 ASEAN members was developed twenty years ago, but progress has been slowed by problems including technical barriers and political mistrust.

The region now recognizes it must move faster. Climate change could reduce the region's economic growth by more than a third by the middle of the century, a report presented at the 2021 U.N. climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland says.

Demand for electricity is rising, and governments have realized the move away from fossil fuels requires an interconnected grid, Suryadi observed. "It has become a crucial need for every country," he said.

In the past, countries in the region paid more attention to energy security. They used fossil fuels and often built more capacity than they needed.

But renewable energy costs are falling, making hydroelectric, solar and wind power more affordable. All ASEAN countries apart from the Philippines have promised to stop adding carbon to the atmosphere by 2050.

So, arguments in favor of an interconnected grid appear to be winning.

But issues remain.

One of ASEAN's central policies is non-interference, which means members are less likely to do joint projects. Energy needs within a country sometimes conflict with the interests of an interconnected grid.

Nadhilah Shani, another expert at the ASEAN Center for Energy, said that this creates a difficult position for some countries. The countries could sell clean energy to neighbors for the region to move away from fossil fuels, or they could use those resources to meet their own climate targets.
东盟能源中心的另一位专家Nadhilah Shani表示,这给一些国家带来了困难。这些国家可以向邻国出售清洁能源,让该地区远离化石燃料,也可以利用这些资源来实现自己的气候目标。

The region's lack of a legal agreement for such things as setting submarine power cables is another difficult issue.

Not all the technical problems have been solved. Voltages used by each country can differ, as do the capacities of their grids. Even countries whose grids cross borders, like Thailand, need to upgrade them, said Harald Link, president of Thailand's Association of Private Power Producers.
并不是所有的技术问题都得到了解决。每个国家使用的电压和电网容量可能不同。泰国私人电力生产商协会主席Harald Link表示,即使是像泰国这样的跨国电网国家也需要升级。

"You need a huge amount of electricity— and they want it green. And where do you get it from? For some countries, it is more difficult to make it green," Link said.


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