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[01:16.77]- Ow! Easy, jackass. - You want it easy, quit moaning. 喔! 轻点, 笨蛋

[01:19.94]- I got to change these bandages. - Try not taking my skin off with them. 你想要轻点就别再呻吟 我要为你换绷带

[01:21.65]是吗, 那别连我皮也一块撕下来了

[01:25.75]How'd I score the house call, Dr. Quinn? 我要怎样做, Quinn医生? 才能缓解你良心的谴责?

[01:27.95]- Trying to ease your conscience? - My conscience is fine, thanks.

[01:29.87]我很心安, 多谢

[01:32.02]Of course, what have you got to feel guilty about? 当然, 有什么会使你感到不安呢?

[01:34.56]I mean, you just let that damn Arab torture me. 你只是任由那个混蛋阿拉伯人折磨我, 并站在一边旁观

[01:37.69]Stood by and watched. Now you figure you'll patch me up

[01:40.70]and buy you a ticket into heaven? Only reason you're here... 你觉得你现在来帮我, 会让你得到一张通往天堂的门票吗?

[01:44.60]I'm here because no one else wants anything to do with you. 你在这的唯一原因是 --


[01:53.51]She does. 她愿意

[02:00.82]Change your own bandages. 自己换绷带吧

[02:14.13]Looking for someone, or just admiring the view? 找人还是在观看风景?

[02:19.03]It's been two days since Sayid took off on his own. Sayid已经走了两天了

[02:22.40]I keep thinking I'm gonna see him. 我在看是否能够看到他回来

[02:24.54]He'll come when he's found what he's looking for, 他找到想找的东西后就会回来的

[02:27.14]- The French transmission. - He wasn't looking for anything. - 法语信号 - 他不是为了去找什么

[02:31.11]- He left because of what happened. - It was an accident. 他离开是由于所发生的事

[02:32.93]- 由于他所做的 - 只是个意外

[02:34.48]Well, accidents happen when you torture people, Jack. 在折磨人时发生的意外, Jack

[02:40.79]Sayid's a trained soldier, Kate. Sayid是个受过训练的军人, Kate

[02:43.19]He can take care of himself. 他会照顾好自己的

[03:48.12]片名:LOST - 迷失 第一季 第九集

[04:22.32]Hello? 喂?

[04:26.13]Hello? 喂?

[04:49.82]Ew! Get him out of there! He's drinking our water. 把他带走! 他在喝我们的水

[04:53.76]- What's going on out there? - You know, the usual. 那边发生什么了?

[04:55.51]呃..要知道, 这很正常

[04:58.46]People yelling at each other. 大家为了鸡毛蒜皮的小事争吵

[05:00.19]Doc, what do you think this is, this... 医生, 你说这是什么 -- 这个, 呃

[05:03.20]...this rash? It's bad, right? 这个皮疹, 很糟, 对吧? 是种热带病吗?

[05:05.00]- Some kind of a tropical disease? - It's hives.

[05:07.67]What's that? Is that like poison ivy? - 是麻疹 - 那是什么?

[05:09.80]It's a common rash, 是毒葛之类的东西吗?

[05:11.27]sometimes brought on by heat and stress. 只是普通的皮疹, 由于炎热或是压力引起的

[05:14.71]- Just try to relax. It'll clear up. - Right. 试着放松

[05:16.20]- 就会好的 - 好吧

[05:17.91]- Try to keep your mind off it. - Okay. 试着不要去想它

[05:19.95]What is that? Is that like aloe? 好, 那是什么? 芦荟油吗?

[05:22.92]Isn't that for sunburn or something? 用来治晒伤的?

[05:25.42]"Try to keep your mind off it"? "试着不要去想它"?

[05:27.56]What else has that guy got to do but stress? 那人除了给自己压力还会干什么?

[05:30.49]I have enough without having to treat hypochondriacs. 我已经有够多的病要治了, 忧郁症可以先不管了

[05:33.73]That's like my point, man. 是的, 我就是那个意思

[05:35.56]We're all fried. 我们都在煎熬

[05:38.17]I mean, have you taken a look at everybody out there? 我是说, 你有没有


[05:41.40]Everybody's way tense. 大家都很紧张

[05:44.51]Dude, I'm just saying, it... it'd be sweet 老兄, 我只是说, 如果我们能...

[05:47.18]if we could have...

[05:49.71]I don't know, something to do. 找点事做, 将会很好的

[05:52.38]We're surviving here, Hurley. 我们是在这生存, Hurley.

[05:54.52]And that's my main concern, is keeping us alive. 我所关心的, 是怎样活着

[05:59.62]Things could be worse. 事情可能会更糟

[06:03.76]How? 怎么能?

[06:06.99]Ou est Alex? Where is Alex? Alex在哪?

[06:10.26]緿髇de est?Alex? Alex在哪?

[06:13.53]Where is Alex? Alex在哪?

[06:15.17]緿髇de est?Alex?

[06:17.41]Ou est Alex?

[06:20.58]Where is Alex?

[06:22.48]Where is Alex?

[06:24.05]Ou est Alex?

[06:28.42]緿髇de est?Alex?

[06:44.43]- What? - Where is Alex? 什么?

[06:47.97]- Who are you? - Wo ist Alex? 你是谁?

[06:50.51]- Where is Alex?

[06:53.37]I don't know what you are talking about. 我不知道你在说什么

[07:03.12]- Where is Alex? Alex在哪?

[07:08.92]- Please, let's not... - Where is Alex? 拜托, 请不要 --

[07:11.83]I don't know any Alex. - Alex在哪? - 我不知道谁是Alex



[07:26.16]你要我停手, Falah?



[07:43.51]我向你保证, 我们已经知道真相了


[07:52.57]And all the pain will stop. 然后所有痛苦都会停止

[07:56.04]Your Shiite friends have already implicated you in the bombing. 你什叶教的同胞已经向我们暗示 你参与了爆炸事件

[08:03.38]You planted the device in the headquarters! 是你把炸弹放到政党司令部的吧?

[08:06.05]You killed two soldiers! 你杀了两名士兵!

[08:10.02]Confess it, and perhaps it will only cost you your hands 承认了吧

[08:11.29]如果承认了, 你也许只会损失掉一双手 不然你会丢掉整条命的

[08:13.45]instead of your life.

[08:22.36]He doesn't know anything. 他什么都不知道

[08:24.53]- Your sources were wrong. - Perhaps. - 你的情报是错误的 - 也许吧

[08:27.44]But that's really not the point, is it? 但那不是重点, 是吧?

[08:31.04]- You handled yourself well in there. - Did I? 你在里面把握的很好

[08:34.64]I put in for your reassignment to intelligence division, 是吗?

[08:34.60]我准备把你调回情报部, 如果你还愿意的话

[08:37.91]- If you still wish it. - Yes, sir. Very much so. 是的, 长官, 当然愿意

[08:41.88]Good. But stop calling me "sir" when it's just the two of us. 很好, 但在只有我俩的时候不用叫我"长官"

[08:46.02]You're my superior officer, Omar. 你是我的上级, Omar -- 至少现在是

[08:48.62]For now. 我会很乐意一直这样叫的

[08:49.89]And I'll enjoy it while it lasts.

[08:52.53]That reminds me, 这个提醒了我, Sayid

[08:53.96]in addition to your increased responsibilities, 除了你的职责增加以外

[08:57.57]a promotion is commensurate with your move. 你官位的提升会伴随这你的调职

[09:00.13]That is, if you won't miss being a communications officer. 如果你愿意不再做通讯军官的话

[09:04.81]- I am willing to make that sacrifice. - Good. 我愿意做出这个牺牲


[09:18.42]- Hi. - Yo. - 嗨 - 呦, 这是什么?

[09:19.79]- What's this? - They must have fallen from the plane.

[09:21.40]在丛林里找到的, 一定是从飞机上掉下来的

[09:23.72]What are you doing in the jungle at night? 你们晚上去丛林干吗?

[09:26.39]- Best time to hunt. - Ethan here has some experience. 狩猎的最好时间


[09:29.36]He spotted tracks that might be a rabbit or some other rodent. 他发现了一些足迹, 可能是兔子或其它啮齿动物的

[09:32.83]Rodent. Yum. 啮齿动物, 美味啊

[09:34.74]People are getting tired of boar meat. 我想大家可能已经吃腻野猪肉了

[09:37.00]You got that right. 嗯, 你说对了

[09:40.58]All right, well, I'll take a look at these, 好吧, 我会看看这个的

[09:43.84]- See if there's anything useful. - Okay. 看能否找到有用的东西


[10:04.07]Mr. Locke. Locke先生

[10:06.13]Are you going back out to hunt? 你要去打猎吗?

[10:08.27]- For a bit. - Can I go with you? 是的

[10:09.90]I mean, I just want to learn how to do what you do. 我能和你去吗? 我是说


[10:12.51]Walt! Walt!

[10:14.54]I was... I was talking to Mr. Locke about... 我只是 -- 我只是和Locke先生谈谈 --

[10:17.31]I know what you're doing. Not gonna happen, man. Get back to bed. 我知道你在干什么, 不可能的, 回来睡觉

[10:27.49]Whoa, dude... 喔, 老兄...

[10:38.07]Please just listen to me! 听我说!

[10:41.47]I keep telling you I don't know who Alex is! 我一直在说, 我不知道Alex是谁!

[10:45.84]I'm a survivor of a plane crash. 我是一个飞机坠毁的幸存者

[10:47.84]I found the wire on the beach. I followed it. 我在海滩上发现了根电缆

[10:51.71]I thought it might have something to do with 我跟着它


[10:55.68]a transmission we picked up on a receiver. 我们用接收器收到的信号有关...

[10:58.59]A recording, a mayday 那段录音, 求救信号

[11:01.42]with a French woman repeating on a loop for 16 years. 一个法国女人发出的, 并循环了16年

[11:25.35]Sixteen years. 16年

[11:29.22]Has it really been that long? 有那么久吗?

[11:32.09]You. 你...

[11:34.86]You just happened to hear my distress call? 你收到了我的求救信号?

[11:40.16]I know what you are. 我知道你是谁

[12:08.29]Rousseau. Rousseau.

[12:12.33]- How do you know my name? - I read it. - 你怎么知道我名字的? - 我读到的

[12:16.66]There, on the jacket. 在你夹克上

[12:20.47]What is this place? 这是什么地方?

[12:24.54]Those batteries wouldn't be able to produce enough power 那些电池 --


[12:27.61]to transmit your distress call all these years. 这么多年来, 发送你的求救信号

[12:30.44]Broadcasts from somewhere else. 是从别处发送的

[12:34.25]But they control it now. 但现在由他们控制

[12:36.92]They? 他们?

[12:39.69]You. And the others like you. 你

[12:42.36]I... 还有其他和你一样的人

[12:45.06]I don't know who you think I am. I've already told you. I am not... 我不清楚你认为我是谁 我已经告诉你了

[12:49.03]Sayid? - 我不是 -- - Sayid?

[12:53.37]- How...? - My name was on a jacket. 你怎么知道我的 --

[12:55.20]Yours is on the envelope you carry. Who is she? 我名字在夹克上, 而你的是在你身上的信封上


[13:03.81]The woman in the photographs. 照片里的女人

[13:09.82]Nadia. Nadia.

[13:12.32]Her name is Nadia. 她叫Nadia

[13:16.46]We cannot tie Noor Abed Jazeem to the bombing, 我们不能确定Noor Abed Jazeem和爆炸案有关联

[13:19.56]but we know her sympathies. 但我们知道她效忠于谁

[13:21.36]She's a known associate of Kurdish and Shiite insurgents. 她是个有名的库德尔人 和什叶教起义的联系人

[13:25.60]She knows who orchestrated the bombing? 你认为她知道是谁策划了这起爆炸案?

[13:27.77]That, my friend, is exactly what you will find out. 那, 正是要你查明的

[13:38.35]Noor Abed Jazeem. Noor Abed Jazeem.

[13:41.05]I'm going to ask you some questions. 我要问你几个问题

[13:43.88]If you refuse to cooperate, I'm going to hurt you. 如果你拒绝合作的话, 我会伤害你的, 你明白吗?

[13:46.89]Nobody calls me Noor, Sayid. 没人叫我Noor, Sayid.

[13:50.76]You of all people should know that. 你应该知道的

[13:54.86]What? 什么?

[13:59.77]You don't remember me? 你记不起我了?

[14:03.50]Am I so different from the girl in the schoolyard 我和曾经在操场上把你推进泥巴里 的小女孩有很大变化吗?

[14:06.37]who used to push you in the mud?

[14:10.95]- Nadia. - And your mother would tell my mother, Nadia.

[14:12.26]你妈妈会和我妈妈说, "你为什么总是欺负小Sayid?"

[14:14.25]"Why must you pick on little Sayid?"

[14:18.12]And I'd answer, 我会说, "因为他总是忽视我"

[14:19.99]"Because he ignores me."

[14:23.36]You had enough attention, 你得到了足够的注意, 由于你家的财富和...

[14:26.53]with your family's wealth and... your charm.


[14:31.27]Such things matter little to children. 这种事引不起小孩的注意

[14:33.77]But then, you always were older than your years, 但你总是比你的年龄要成熟, 是吧, Sayid?

[14:36.97]weren't you, Sayid?

[14:40.31]Not old enough to understand that being pushed 还不够年龄来理解推你到泥巴里 是表示对你的喜欢

[14:42.91]was a sign of affection.

[14:48.55]Now you're a traitor to your country. 现在你是个叛国者

[14:54.49]Tell me what you know about the bombing, Nadia. 告诉我你知道的关于爆炸案的事情, Nadia

[15:00.63]Tell me, or I swear I will hurt you. 告诉我, 不然我发誓会伤害你的

[15:02.90]Hmm. Oh, I know, Sayid. 噢, 我知道, Sayid

[15:06.00]This is not my first interrogation by the Republican Guard. 这不是我第一次被共和国卫队审问了

[15:09.74]This is where they burned me with acid. 我就是在这被他们用硫酸泼的

[15:12.67]They pierced my hands with a drill. 他们穿透了我的手掌

[15:15.84]Would you like to see the soles of my feet? 你想看看我的脚底吗?

[15:18.05]Where they flayed the skin off? 他们剥掉了那的皮

[15:22.08]These are handiworks of your friends. 这都是你朋友们的杰作

[15:26.19]The people you swear allegiance to. 你发誓效忠的人们

[15:30.32]If you were innocent, I'm sorry. 如果你是无辜的, 我很抱歉

[15:33.36]But this bombing is a different matter. 但爆炸案是另一回事

[15:38.13]- Nadia... - Go on, Sayid. - Nadia... - 来吧, Sayid

[15:41.17]Do your work. 做你该做的

[15:43.67]I'm not going to tell you anything. 我不会告诉你任何事的

[15:48.24]Then I'm going to hurt you. 那我就要伤害你了

[15:50.84]I know. 我知道

[15:54.42]You have a bullet wound. 你有处枪伤

[15:57.38]I was a soldier. 我曾是名军人

[16:00.75]You were? 是吗?

[16:02.92]And are you still? 你仍然是吗?

[16:05.56]It was a long time ago. 那是很久以前的事了

[16:15.30]Tell me more about her, the woman. Nadia. 再告诉我一些她的事, 那个女人


[16:21.78]Alex... who is he? Alex -- 他是谁?

[16:30.72]I'm bored. Can I take Vincent to the beach? 我很无聊!


[16:34.09]Um... I'll take you later. I'm in the middle of something. 嗯... 我一会带你们去

[16:38.36]But there's nothing to do. 我正忙着呢


[16:39.93]Well, you got to figure out stuff to do. 你要自己去找事做, 明白我的意思吗?

[16:42.10]You got to find a way to entertain yourself. 你要会找事来消遣自己

[16:44.77]Come on. 快, 快, 我知道我看见了

[16:46.57]Come on. I know I saw it.

[16:50.40]Yes. 太好了

[16:52.97]- Hurley, uh... - Hold on, man. I'm busy. Hurley --

[16:53.97]等等, 我很忙

[16:57.44]- Dude, can I borrow this? - What? 老兄, 我能借来用用吗?

[16:59.11]- Thanks, man. - What are you doing? - 什么? - 多谢

[17:00.14]Hurley, 你要干什么?

[17:07.49]So you heard my transmission, 那么你听到了我的信号

[17:10.09]- Came looking for me, for answers. - I didn't know you were alive. 过来找我, 寻找答案


[17:13.96]- Still lying. - I'm not lying. 还在说谎

[17:16.73]Lies! Like this plane crash that you survived. - 我没说谎 - 谎话!

[17:17.45]说什么飞机坠毁你幸存了 你说还有别人

[17:20.53]- There were others? - More than 40. - 40多人, 是的 - 那你为什么独自一人

[17:22.64]Then why are you alone?

[17:25.34]- I left them. - Why? - 我离开了他们 - 为什么?

[17:30.11]There was... 因为 --

[17:34.11]I did something. 我做了件事

[17:37.95]Something I'm ashamed of. 一件我感到羞愧的事

[17:42.76]And Nadia... Nadia呢... 你也离开了她?

[17:46.86]...you left her too?

[17:49.13]She wasn't on the plane. 她不在飞机上

[17:55.44]She's dead. 她死了

[18:01.41]Because of me. 因为我

[18:14.25]I'm so sorry. 很抱歉

[18:32.64]I want to show you something. 我给你看件东西

[18:37.38]See, this junction here 看到这个接合点了吗

[18:39.28]reroutes some of the spring's water flow into suspended basins. 使泉水改变流向, 让水流进几个悬挂的水盆里

[18:43.15]Pop in some holes, you got showers. 打几个洞, 就可以淋浴了

[18:45.55]You keep the drinking water separate. 这可以使其与饮用水分开

[18:47.99]This is... You drew this? 这是 -- 你画的?

[18:51.02]- I was an artist in a previous life. - I thought you were in construction. 我曾经是个画家


[18:54.83]- I am. I mean I was. Long story. - Hey, Jack! 我是的, 我的意思是 ... 说来话长

[18:58.30]Hurley's worked up about something. Said we should see it. 嘿, Jack!

[18:58.56]Hurley现在对某个东西很激动, 他要我们去看看

[19:05.14]Welcome... 欢迎...

[19:08.54]...to the first and... 来到第一届...

[19:11.08]...hopefully last, 希望是最后一届

[19:13.35]Island Open. 全岛公开赛

[19:16.12]- What? - It's two holes, for now. 什么?


[19:19.12]- Three par, and no waiting. - Hurley... 标准杆三杆, 无须等待

[19:21.41]Hurley, 你建了个高尔夫球场?

[19:23.36]You built a golf course?

[19:25.26]Rich idiots fly to tropical islands to whack balls around. 愚蠢的富人们经常会飞到热带岛屿打高尔夫球

[19:28.83]All the stuff we got to deal with, man, 我们有很多事要做, 老兄

[19:31.23]this is what you've been wasting time on? 你把时间都浪费在这上了?

[19:33.50]Dudes, listen. Our lives suck. 老兄, 听着


[19:36.44]Nerves are stretched to the max. 每人的神经都被绷紧了

[19:38.74]I mean, we're lost on an island, 我是说, 我们迷失在这荒岛上了

[19:41.84]running from boars and monsters... 还要躲避野猪和怪物...

[19:45.55]- Freakin' polar bears! - Polar bears? 还有北极熊!

[19:48.55]You didn't hear about the polar bear? 北极熊?


[19:50.62]If we're stuck here, then just surviving's not gonna cut it. 我想说的是, 如果我们真被困在这


[19:54.62]We need some kind of relief. We need some way that we can... 我们需要放松,


[19:59.36]...you know, have fun. That's right, fun. 来娱乐

[20:01.20]没错, 娱乐

[20:03.00]Or we're gonna go crazy, waiting for the next bad thing to happen. 不然我们会发疯的, 等待下一件糟糕的事情发生

[20:13.31]It's a music box, but it's broken. 是个音乐盒, 但坏了

[20:17.28]Has been... 曾经...

[20:19.98]...for a long time. 坏了好久了

[20:21.72]It was a gift from my love 是我爱人在结婚周年纪念时送我的

[20:24.25]for our anniversary.

[20:26.02]You mean Alex. 你是说Alex

[20:28.09]Robert. Robert.

[20:31.63]It was such a comfort to me the first few years here. 在最初的几年这是我最大的安慰

[20:38.83]I could fix it for you. 我可以帮你修好它

[20:41.67]I could take a look at it if you freed my hands. 如果你松开我的手, 我可以帮你看看

[20:48.98]I'm fairly good with mechanical things. 我对机械的东西有点研究

[20:54.01]I'll need my hands. 我需要用手

[21:03.36]What is written on the back of your photograph? 你照片背面写的什么?

[21:06.26]- What are you doing? - Did she write it, or did you? 你在干什么?


[21:13.10]Perhaps you don't want to tell me because it causes too much pain. 也许你不想告诉我, 因为它会使你感到痛苦

[21:23.24]Rousseau... Rousseau...

[21:26.78]You don't need to do that. 你不用这样做的

[21:36.92]- This is a problem, man. - Yeah. - 这是个问题了 - 是的

[21:39.09]I mean, I know what I'd do, but... 我知道我该怎么做, 但...

[21:43.93]...it's gotta be your call. 由你来

[21:50.37]Okay. 好的

[21:52.27]- Give me a 7 iron. - Got it. 给我7号铁杆


[21:59.15]Hey! 嘿!

[22:00.61]Heads up over there! 朝这来!

[22:03.18]- No chance! - Don't blow it! - 没机会的! - 别打飞了!

[22:05.59]You won't get anywhere near us! 你不可能打过来的!

[22:10.06]Hey! Doc! 嘿! 医生! 嘿, 你在这呢

[22:11.76]There you are.

[22:13.33]Somebody said you went this way. 有人说你朝这边走了

[22:15.46]Listen, that rash of mine is starting to spread. 那个皮疹开始扩散了, 现在变得和柚子一样 --

[22:18.83]It's like the size of a grape...

[22:21.10]What are you guys doing? 你们在干什么??

[22:23.60]- Uh... - Are you playing golf? 在打高尔夫球吗?

[22:28.08]Yeah. 是的

[22:31.11]Can I play? 可以加我一个吗?

[22:45.63]Sorry about the sedative. 关于那剂镇静剂我很抱歉

[22:48.26]It was the only safe way for me to move you. 那是对我来说唯一安全的 移动你的方式

[22:53.57]You offered to fix my music box. 你要帮我修音乐盒

[22:57.04]After all I've done to you. 可我对你做的 -- 打昏你 --

[22:58.57]Striking you, shocking you.

[23:02.01]Why? 为什么?

[23:09.35]Do you want me to fix your music box, or don't you? 你想让我帮你修音乐盒吗?

[23:14.82]Yes. Yes, please. 是的

[23:16.82]是的, 拜托

[23:19.66]Then I want to know your name. 那我要知道你的名字, 你的名

[23:22.60]Your first name.

[23:26.13]Danielle. Danielle.

[23:28.47]My name is Danielle. 我叫Danielle

[23:35.34]And how did you come to be on this island, Danielle? 你为什么会在这座岛上, Danielle?

[23:50.86]We were part of a science team. 我们是科考小组的成员

[23:53.29]A science team armed with rifles. 装备来复枪的科考小组

[23:58.00]- Was Robert on the team? - Yes. - Robert也是其中的一员? - 是的

[24:01.30]And Alex, was he, too? Alex呢 -- 他也是?

[24:03.04]Our vessel was three days out of Tahiti 机器发生故障时, 我们的船已经离开塔希提岛三天了

[24:06.21]when our instruments malfunctioned.

[24:09.71]It was night. 那是个夜晚

[24:11.88]The storm... 暴风骤雨...

[24:15.18]The sounds... 冷风呼啸...

[24:19.15]The ship slammed into rocks, 船撞向了岩石

[24:21.46]ran aground, 搁浅了, 船坏到了修不好的地步

[24:22.96]the hull breached beyond repair.

[24:26.43]So... 然后...

[24:29.10]...we made camp. 我们就扎营了

[24:30.56]Dug out this temporary shelter. 搭建了这临时的庇护所

[24:36.14]Temporary. 临时的

[24:40.11]Nearly two months we survived here. 我们在这生存了近两个月

[24:43.94]Two months before... 两个月 --

[24:46.21]Your distress signal. The message I heard. 你的求救信号 -- 我听到的信息 --

[24:50.25]You said "It killed them all." 你说, "它把他们都杀了"

[25:03.66]We were coming back from the black rock. 我们从黑岩石那回来

[25:09.64]It was them. 是他们

[25:13.74]They were the carriers. - 他们是带菌者 - 谁是带菌者?

[25:15.41]Who were the carriers?

[25:18.58]The others. 其他人

[25:22.15]What others? 哪些其他人?

[25:24.12]What is the black rock? 什么是黑岩石

[25:27.75]Have you seen other people on this island? 你在这岛上见过其他人吗?

[25:30.42]No. 没有

[25:32.03]But I hear them. 但我听到他们了

[25:34.69]Out there in the jungle. 就在丛林里

[25:38.60]They whisper. 他们在低声细语

[25:50.51]You think I'm insane. 你认为我精神失常了

[25:57.12]I think you've been alone for too long. 我觉得你是孤独太久了

[26:18.97]I'm sorry. This is all I could find. 很抱歉. 我只能找到这些了

[26:21.31]I'll try and bring you some fruit later on. 一会我会给你带些水果的

[26:25.28]Are you ready to talk? 你准备开口了吗?

[26:27.45]That depends on what you'd like to talk about, Sayid. 看情况了

[26:29.09]看你想让我说什么, Sayid

[26:33.19]Books? 书?

[26:34.89]Weather? 天气?

[26:36.16]Since I've seen neither locked in this cell for weeks, 自从几个礼拜前我被关进牢房, 这两样我就一件都没见过

[26:39.16]I'm afraid my conversation will suffer. 恐怕对话会很不顺

[26:41.66]We have two suspects in custody. 我们捉到了两个嫌疑犯

[26:44.16]Have a look at these photographs. 看看这些照片

[26:46.80]All you need to do is nod. 你要做的只有点头

[26:49.00]If you prove you're willing to cooperate, 如果你能证明你愿意合作

[26:52.04]I think I can get them to free you. 我想我可以让他们放了你

[27:00.55]Then I won't have these visits to look forward to anymore. 那我就不会整天盼着你的探访了

[27:06.99]This isn't a game, Nadia. 这不是个游戏, Nadia

[27:08.79]Yet you keep playing it, Sayid. 可你一直把它当成游戏, Sayid,

[27:12.76]Pretending to be something I know you're not. 装作一个我知道你不是那样的人

[27:25.84]- You'll never believe this. - You learned how to tie your shoes? 你永远也不会相信的


[27:29.38]Funny. Someone at the caves built a golf course. 真好笑, 山洞那边的人建了座高尔夫球场

[27:32.55]- Are you high? - Seriously, a golf course. - 你喝多了? - 我是认真的, 一个高尔夫球场

[27:35.38]Jack's playing right now. Jack正和他们玩着呢

[27:37.18]Jack? - Jack? 在打高尔夫? - 这是我所听到的

[27:40.02]- Is golfing? - That's what I hear.

[27:44.42]I don't know about you, but I'm gonna check this out. 不知你们怎么想 我要去看看了

[27:47.16]Wait for me, bonehead. 等等我, 笨蛋

[27:55.87]Doctor playing golf. 医生打高尔夫

[27:57.84]Whoo! Boy howdy, now I've heard everything. 喔! 好啊, 我什么都听到了

[28:00.61]- What's next, cop eating a donut? - If you want to come, you should say. 接下来会是什么呢, 警察吃面包圈?

[28:03.49]如果想去, 你可以说

[28:05.31]Think I'll pass on that, Freckles. Not big on crowds. 我就不去了, 雀斑女 我不喜欢人群

[28:08.95]And let's face it, crowd's not too hot on me, either. 我们面对它吧, 人群也不喜欢我

[28:15.29]One outcast to another, I'd think about making more of an effort. 一个接一个的被抛弃,


[28:22.83]Duly noted. 收到你的建议

[28:30.74]You see? 看到了?

[28:36.98]Some things can be fixed. 一些东西是可以修好的

[28:45.95]Thank you. 谢谢你

[28:48.69]Thank you so much. 太感谢你了

[28:55.30]Thank you so much. 太感谢你了

[28:57.76]Danielle, Danielle, 让我走吧

[28:59.93]please let me go.

[29:06.07]Go? 走?

[29:07.64]Back to the people I told you about. 回到我告诉你的那群人中去

[29:12.38]You can't. You have to stay. 你不能, 你要留下来

[29:14.65]- It's not safe. - Not safe? What's not safe? - 那不安全 - 不安全? 什么不安全?

[29:17.48]You need me. You can't leave. 你需要我, 你不能走

[29:19.35]Danielle. Danielle.

[29:26.49]Where are you going? 你去哪?

[29:28.53]- If we're lucky, it's one of the bears. - If we're lucky? 如果我们幸运的话, 会是只熊


[29:40.87]It might be that thing out there. 外面可能会是那东西

[29:44.54]The monster. 怪物

[29:46.81]There's no such thing as monsters. 这没有怪物的

[29:56.39]- You have to execute her. - What? 你可以处死她了

[29:59.23]The Jazeem woman has given us nothing. 什么?


[30:01.36]This will send a message to others who will not talk. 这会给那些不开口的人传达错误的信息

[30:04.16]I just need more time with her. 我只需要再多一点时间

[30:05.90]You have had more than a month, Sayid. 你已经用了一个月了, Sayid

[30:08.57]Now bring her outside and shoot her, 把她带出去, 毙了她, 不然我就去了

[30:11.57]or I will.

[30:16.04]Is this a problem? 有问题吗?

[30:18.71]No. 不, 没问题

[30:19.91]- It's not a problem. - Good.


[30:33.59]What did you bring me today? 你今天带给我什么了?

[30:41.94]Put it on. 带上它

[30:45.64]Are you going to hurt me, Sayid? 你要伤害我吗, Sayid?

[31:33.69]Ugh! 呃!

[31:35.86]- Dude, I think you stuck it. - Lucky, lucky. 老兄, 我想你打进了

[31:37.47]幸运, 幸运

[31:39.26]This thing have a ladies' team? 有女子队吗?

[31:41.83]- Hey. - Hey. - 嗨. - 嗨.

[31:43.63]- When'd you show up? - While ago. - 你啥时候过来的? - 刚刚才到.

[31:46.63]I almost didn't recognize you. 我几乎认不出你了

[31:49.17]You're smiling. - 你笑了 - 我要看那个

[31:51.47]I have to watch that.

[31:54.57]So, how'd you come up with this? 你怎么想出这主意的?

[31:56.38]Wasn't me. It was all Hurley. 不是我, 全是Hurley想的

[31:59.01]I've been going crazy to make everyone feel safe. 我一直疯狂的想让大家感到安全

[32:01.68]I haven't been sleeping 'cause I want everyone to feel safe. 我整夜不合眼, 为了能使大家能感到安全

[32:04.82]He builds a golf course, 他建了个高尔夫球场

[32:06.69]- And everyone feels safe. - Aw, crap! Do-over. 大家就都感到安全了

[32:08.72]啊, 妈的! 重来

[32:10.86]It's a Mulligan. 这是加击, 加击

[32:12.83]A gentleman's sport. You got to get the words right. 这是个绅士的运动 你要用对词, 加击

[32:15.96]- Dad. - Hey. Check this out. 爸爸

[32:17.70]- You want to... - Let me. 嘿, 过来, 看看这个

[32:18.53]你需要 -- 让我, 让我

[32:20.17]- Get away! - All right. 老兄, 离开我!

[32:21.67]You left me alone at the caves. 你把我自己丢在了山洞里

[32:23.37]What? I left you with Claire. 什么? 我让你和Claire在一起的

[32:25.20]She's sleeping. 她在睡觉

[32:26.61]Oh, man, I'm... I'm sorry. 噢, 十分抱歉

[32:28.81]I just... I just got caught up. 我只是 -- 我只是被这里吸引了

[32:31.11]I'm really sorry, Walt. I screwed up. 真的很抱歉, Walt, 是我的错

[32:34.51]I'll make it up to you. Hey, you wanna play? 我会补偿给你的 嘿, 要玩吗?

[32:39.12]You're breathing out. When you go up...

[32:42.19]Nah. There's other people waiting. 不了, 还有人在等着玩呢

[32:44.02]They won't mind. You want to take a swing? 噢, 不, 别担心 他们不会介意的, 想来一杆吗?

[32:46.66]Michael, it's your shot. Michael, 该你了

[32:48.46]Okay, cool. Uh, so we'll play later, okay? 噢, 好的, 呃, 那我们一会再玩?

[33:22.60]Put the gun down, Danielle. 把枪放下, Danielle

[33:25.33]Put it down on the ground. 把枪放在地上

[33:33.27]Don't. 不要

[33:53.39]I'll take it from here. 从这开始交给我吧

[34:07.51]What... what's going on? 什么 -- 发生什么了?

[34:09.14]Forty meters outside this door, there's a supply truck 门外40米处,

[34:12.11]that will be leaving. They don't check them on the way out. 有一辆供给车, 不久就会离开

[34:15.18]Only coming in. Get inside. 出去时他们不会检查的


[34:17.85]Cover yourself any way you can. 钻进去, 尽量藏好你自己

[34:19.75]They won't reach the city for 30 minutes. That's enough time to hide. 30分钟内不会进入市区的

[34:22.19]有足够的时间让你跳出车外, 并藏起来

[34:23.99]Come with me. 跟我一起走

[34:26.83]I can't. 我不能

[34:28.93]Desertion. 逃亡

[34:31.53]They would kill my family. 他们会杀了我全家的

[34:35.13]I don't have your courage. 我没有你的勇气

[34:37.90]You have more than you know. 你的勇气比你知道的要多

[34:43.78]Nadia, you have to go. Nadia, 你必须走了

[34:47.05]Sayid? Sayid?

[34:51.52]What are you doing? 你在干什么?

[34:58.22]Don't. 不要

[35:01.99]- Guard! 卫兵!

[35:07.30]Sayid! Now you have to come with me! They'll kill you! Sayid!

[35:08.86]你现在要跟我走了! 他们会杀了你的!

[35:10.87]No. You escaped, you stole my gun, and you shot him. 不, 你逃了, 并偷了我的枪, 然后杀了他

[35:15.27]And then you shot me. 然后又射中了我

[35:21.21]Sayid! Sayid!

[35:28.99]Take it. 拿着

[35:30.86]Please, Nadia. 拜托, Nadia

[35:33.96]Take it and go. 拿着它, 逃跑

[35:56.68]Please, I don't wish to hurt you. 拜托, 我不想伤害你

[35:59.89]You already have. 你已经那样做了

[36:02.52]Don't. 不要

[36:13.23]The firing pin has been removed. 撞针已经被移走了

[36:15.70]Robert didn't notice it was missing, either, 当我杀Robert时, 他也不知道撞针被移走了

[36:19.27]when I shot him.

[36:22.28]- But you loved him. - He was sick. 但你是爱他的

[36:25.34]Sick? - 他病了 - 病了?

[36:28.51]It took them... 他们相继染上了, 一个接一个

[36:30.08]...one after the other.

[36:33.32]I had no choice. 我没有选择

[36:35.86]They were already lost. 他们已经快不行了

[36:40.29]- You killed them. - What would have happened 你杀了他们

[36:43.00]if we were rescued? 如果我们获救了会怎样?

[36:45.43]I couldn't let that happen. 我不会让它发生

[36:48.00]I won't! 我不会的!

[36:50.24]I'm not sick. 我没病

[36:52.54]I know. 我知道

[36:55.64]Then why kill me? 那为什么要杀我?

[37:00.38]I can't let you go. 我不能让你走

[37:04.68]Don't you understand? 你不明白吗?

[37:07.32]To have someone to talk to... 有人来讲话...触摸

[37:11.66]...to touch.

[37:17.93]"You'll find me in the next life, "如果今生你找不到我, 来生一定会的"

[37:20.43]if not in this one."

[37:24.17]What? 什么?

[37:25.24]The writing on the back of Nadia's photograph. Nadia照片背后的字

[37:30.08]I know what it's like to hold on to someone. 我知道等待一个人的感受

[37:35.48]I've been holding on for seven years to just a thought. 过去的7年里我一直在等待 只是为了一个信念

[37:40.25]A blind hope that somewhere she's still alive. 一点渺茫的希望, 她也许在某处还活着

[37:47.73]But the more I hold on, 但我越是坚持的等待

[37:50.86]the more I pull away from those around me. 越是开始远离我周围的人

[37:57.30]The only way off this... 离开这座岛的唯一办法就是...

[37:59.84]...this place, is with their help. 就是得到他们的帮助

[38:23.76]Come with me. 跟我来吧

[38:28.80]You don't have to be alone, Danielle. 你不必独自一人的, Danielle

[38:52.53]Your people, 你们 --

[38:54.73]the ones you're determined to get back to. 你要回到的那群人 --

[38:57.70]Watch them. 看好他们

[39:01.27]Watch them closely. 看紧了

[39:14.25]Danielle! Danielle!

[39:17.08]Who is Alex? Alex是谁?

[39:22.76]Alex was my child. Alex是我的孩子

[39:43.71]Guys, please. 兄弟们, 拜托

[39:46.11]I've never made par on a course before. 我从没打过标准杆

[39:52.05]- Ah! No! - Dude, you were robbed. - 啊! 不! - 啊, 老兄, 你输了

[39:55.19]Bollocks! See that? 胡说! 看到了?

[39:57.79]Okay, Jack, it's up to you. 好, Jack, 看你的了

[39:59.99]Sink this, you get the blazer. 你能打进的

[40:01.89]No pressure. - 没有压力 - 是啊, 没压力

[40:03.60]Yeah, no pressure.

[40:13.17]Five bucks says he sinks it. 5美元押他能打进

[40:16.84]- You betting against me? - Sorry, dude, 搭档, 你押我输?

[40:19.01]- But you're a duffer like me. - Make it ten. 抱歉, 但你和我一样的笨

[40:21.48]I don't have any cash, but I'll bet my dinner on the doc. 我加到10元

[40:21.83]我没有现金, 但我押一顿晚餐, 赌医生赢

[40:24.52]Oh! 我押两管防晒霜和一个手电筒, 赌他输

[40:25.75]I got two tubes of sunscreen and a flashlight says he chokes.

[40:40.03]I'll take that action. 算我一个

[40:44.94]Yeah, me too. 是, 还有我

[40:47.37]You just bet on Jack, dumbass. 你刚才还赌Jack赢呢, 笨蛋

[40:49.18]We need the sunscreen, princess. 我们需要防晒霜, 公主

[41:17.54]Does your father know you're here? 你父亲知道你来这了吗?

[41:25.88]Can you teach me how to do that? 你能教我怎样才能做到吗?

[42:29.24]“迷失 第一季 第九集” -=结束=-


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