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欲望都市第六季 情迷巴黎(下) An American Girl in Paris, Part Deux





[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:48:51



[00:35.64](性爱专家凯莉布雷萧 而且勇于发问)


[01:03.48]After two weeks in Paris... 在巴黎待了两星期后

[01:07.44]it was time for the uItimate in sophisticated French fare.: 该是进行 所谓终极任务的时候了

[01:11.72]meeting your Iover and his ex-wife for Iunch. 会情人 并和他的前妻共进午餐

[01:20.36]Hello, l'm Juliet. Juliet Bellajoux. -你好,我是茱丽叶 -你好,凯莉

[01:22.56]Hello, l'm Carrie. lt's nice to finally meet you. 真高兴终于见到你了

[01:28.00]-Sit. -Thank you. -请坐 -谢谢

[01:31.52]Well, if l'm fashionably late, then Alek is very fashionable. 如果我算是赶时髦迟到 那么亚力山大可是个中翘楚

[01:33.36]Yes, he's always very fashionable. 他一向走在时代尖端

[01:37.88]What a beautiful bag. 好美的包包

[01:40.72]Thank you. lt's vintage. 谢谢,这是旧款 丝绸的衬里有很久的历史

[01:41.60]The silk lining's about a hundred million years old...

[01:45.28]but l'm so in love with it. 但我好爱这个包包

[01:46.32]We'll get along perfectly. l represent accessories for the collections. 我负责设计 新装发表会上的配件

[01:51.48]Wow, Aleks never mentioned what work you did. 亚力山大从未提过你的工作

[01:58.04]Sorry. 对不起,时尚大师打来的

[01:59.92]Mr. Fashionable. Hello?

[02:17.00]Sincere apologies. Crisis at the museum. 他诚挚地表示道歉 博物馆发生紧急状况

[02:22.00]Some gigantic technical problem with sculpture number something. 好像在设备上 发生严重的技术问题

[02:27.88]Nothing else exists when art does. Yes? 在他心里艺术永远排第一顺位 对吧?

[02:33.20]Wow, this is a fantastic restaurant. 这家餐厅很时髦

[02:36.88]Yes? lt used to be, not so much anymore. 以前是,但现在没那么时尚了

[02:42.28]The chairs, they're hideous. Hideous. 椅子,丑毙了…

[02:49.40]Good morning, Chanel. 早,香奈儿

[02:51.80]Chanello! 你好,看来我得下手偷窃 他才会注意到我

[02:54.80]l'm going to shoplift, just so he can feel me up.

[02:56.76]l need something simple to wear for when we meet the birth parents. 我要找件简单大方的服装 和宝宝的父母会面

[02:59.84]Where is this couple from again? -他们是哪里人? -北卡罗来纳沙洛特,好预兆

[03:02.56]Charlotte, North Carolina. l think it's a good sign.

[03:04.72]Love it. Very TV-movie-of-the-week. 正点,本周最佳电视剧

[03:07.92]Stylish, socialite couple... 时尚佳偶敞开公园大道的家 欢迎一对愚蠢无齿的乡巴佬

[03:08.20]opens up their Park Avenue home to the dumb, toothless yokels.

[03:11.76]-They're not dumb or toothless. -ln my movie they are. -他们既不蠢也不是无齿 -我就觉得他们蠢

[03:14.48]And you'd be played by Barbara Parkins, circa VaIIey of the DoIIs. 可以找主演“娃娃谷”的 芭芭拉帕金丝来演你

[03:20.96]-Thank you. -And l'd be played by Colin Farrell. -谢谢 -而柯林法瑞可以演我

[03:24.40]-Do you think you look like Colin Farrell? -lt's my movie! -你真觉得自己像柯林法瑞? -这可是我的电影

[03:29.00]So in your movie, how big is my part? Bit or supporting? 你的电影里,我戏份有多重? 跑龙套的?还是男配角?

[03:33.44]What? -什么? -你的生命中还有我吧?

[03:35.76]l'll still be in your life, right?

[03:38.76]Because once people have the babies.... 人们一有小孩后…

[03:39.80]Stop. You will always be in my life, Colin Farrell. 别说了,我的生命中永远有你 柯林法瑞

[03:44.00]Good. 很好

[03:45.56]Can you believe this is finally happening? l hope nothing goes wrong. 真令人难以置信吧 希望一切顺利

[03:49.56]Well, if it does, l know some gays that got a Guatemalan kid for $100. 万一出槌,我知道有对 男同志领养了瓜地马拉小孩

[03:55.60]A touch of this blonde is going to be perfection. 金发再加一点这个就完美极了

[03:59.52]lt's called ''ash.''

[03:59.68]Well, save a little for him, because he is one hot piece of ash. 留一点给他

[04:03.40]-他才是极品 -绝对是


[04:11.12]Well? 如何?

[04:11.84]Sexy. 超性感的

[04:14.72]Very sexy.

[04:17.92]Come here, you. 过来

[04:20.76]Please, sir, my hair. 拜托,我头发会乱

[04:27.52]Are we ever going to talk about the fact that we haven't had sex in a long time? 我们很久没嘿咻了 要不要谈一下?

[04:31.88]And you're bringing this up here? 现在要谈?

[04:35.72]My therapist said not to mention it in bed. 我的心理医生说别提,但是…

[04:35.68]Therapist? Since when have you been seeing a therapist? 你什么时候去看心理医生的?

[04:42.88]l just thought l should get some help to deal with all this cancer stuff. 我觉得我们该 一起对抗癌症的问题

[04:46.64]l'm not complaining. l just think we should talk about it. 我不是在抱怨 只是觉得我们该谈一下

[04:48.20]Well, l have absolutely no sex drive. You're leaving town to do a movie. 我对性兴趣缺缺 而且你就要离城拍电影去了

[04:52.60]What's the point of talking about it right now? -现在谈要做什么? -我看到里面有两对鞋子

[04:55.28]Samantha, l see two pairs of feet in there. You had better not be doing it.


[05:02.72]We're not. -你想太多了 -好,那可是新闻

[05:03.64]Yeah, right. That'd be a first.

[05:18.56]l must admit, l have been dying to meet you. 我一直好想见你

[05:20.52]l begged Aleks to organize a dinner with us... 我要求亚力山大安排个晚餐

[05:22.48]but he said, ''As soon as the exhibit opens, we'll all sit down.'' 他说只要等展览开幕后 就有空了

[05:28.60]''As soon as.'' lf l hear this phrase one more time.... 只要等… 千万别让我再听到这句话

[05:33.04]So how is my beloved? 你觉得他如何?

[05:36.52]He's wonderful. He's a bit stressed, but-- -他很棒,有点紧张过度… -没错

[05:40.60]Well, yes. He is very sensitive. 他很敏感

[05:42.88]Can l just say, l think it's lovely... 我想说句话

[05:46.68]that you both think so highly of one another. 分手夫妻还能相互推崇对方 真的很难得

[05:50.72]Why not? 有何不可? 毕竟我们有过一段美好婚姻

[05:50.04]We had a wonderful marriage, while it lasted.

[05:56.28]But l believe a relationship is like couture. 但男女关系就像时装业 勉强穿不合身的衣服,就惨了

[05:56.60]lf it doesn't fit perfectly, it's a disaster.

[06:02.88]And l couldn't quite get used to always coming second. 我没办法适应 老是排在第二顺位

[06:05.36]lt was not for me. 我没办法接受

[06:08.64]Would you like a cigarette? 来根烟?

[06:13.52]Well, yes, l would. Thank you. 好吧,谢谢

[06:14.80]l thought you might be one of those Americans who didn't smoke... 还以为你是个不抽烟的美国人

[06:18.48]and l would be, how do you say... 那么我可能会因你午餐时 吸入二手烟致死而负上责任

[06:22.36]guilty of killing you over lunch.

[06:27.20]Chloe tells me you were a writer in New York? 克萝依说 以前你在纽约时是名作家

[06:31.20]No, l am a writer. 不,现在还是

[06:32.16]Until recently, l had a weekly column in New York. 近几年我每周在报上发表专栏 后来集结出书

[06:34.88]lt became a book. lt's even been published here.


[06:40.76]Brilliant. 了不起,亚力山大能接受吗?

[06:42.40]-And Aleks is comfortable with that? -God, yes, he's very supportive.


[06:48.12]Then people change. 看来人还是会变的

[07:01.40]-lt's good. -Can you hold this? -很好吃 -帮我拿一下

[07:03.100]Aren't you going to say anything about the fact that l'm smoking? 你对我抽烟没意见吗?

[07:07.56]Everybody smokes in Paris. 巴黎每个人都抽烟 有人还大加赞扬…

[07:11.16]Someone got a rave review.

[07:12.04]-Your reviews are out already? -No, and please don't remind me. 对你的评论出来了?

[07:15.92]不是,但别提醒我 我说的是你

[07:18.20]l'm referring to you. Juliet was impressed.

[07:20.80]She said you're beautiful, smart, and chic. 茱丽叶对你赞赏有加 她说你美丽聪明又高雅

[07:45.44]-Sorry. The museum. l have to go. -Again? lt's been like this all week. 对不起,博物馆打来的 我得走了

[07:47.96]不会吧,我以为至少 整个早上可以在一起

[07:51.60]l thought we at least had the morning together.

[07:51.40]l have to go. 真的得走了

[07:54.08]ls this going to be every day? -每天都这样? -凯莉

[07:55.68]Carrie, l am under so much pressure. Don't make me feel worse than l do. 我压力很大 拜托别再火上加油

[08:00.44]l'm not trying to make you feel worse. 我没有,先前你放鸽子的事 我一句话也没说

[08:02.72]l said nothing when you left me alone with your wife.

[08:07.12]l know it's inconvenient for you right now, but l promise... 我知道你很难适应,但是…

[08:10.20]there will be more time for us as soon as this exhibit opens. Okay? 我答应你只要等展览开幕后 就不会那么忙了

[08:24.32]That's better. Look, we are in Paris. lt's so beautiful. 好多了


[08:28.32]Go and walk around. Take the driver, go everywhere. -叫司机带你去 -不,不用司机,我自己逛

[08:29.56]No, you take the driver. l'll walk around and do French things, be very Parisian. 做些法国人会做的事 学当个巴黎人

[08:36.24]Okay. 好,回头见

[08:38.52]See you.

[08:39.92]l like the smoking, it's very sexy. -我喜欢你抽烟,很性感 -它会杀了我

[08:43.28]lt's killing me!

[10:00.76]Oh, God! 真衰


[11:52.48]lsn't it amazing, Ma? 感觉很棒,对吧? 全家人聚在一起

[11:54.36]The whole house is coming together.


[12:02.80]What's little Stevie doing over there? 小史蒂夫在做什么?

[12:03.72]What? That's Brady. l'm right here. What are you talking about? 什么?那是布莱迪 我在这里,你在说什么?

[12:18.92]Does my mother seem odd to you? -你不觉得我妈怪怪的? -你想清楚再说

[12:22.68]You might want to rephrase that.

[12:23.60]No, l'm serious. She looks all loopy, and she's disoriented. 我说真的,她好像头脑不清

[12:26.88]Steve, it's called the one-too-many-beer syndrome. 那叫做“酗酒症候群”

[12:28.96]No, her eyes aren't focusing or something. 她的眼睛好像飘忽不定 我很担心

[12:34.04]-l'm worried. -Really? 真的?

[12:40.68]Ma, you want some ice cream? 妈,要吃冰淇淋吗?

[12:43.88]Don't let little Stevie have any strawberry. 别再让小史蒂夫吃草莓了

[12:47.64]Mary, that's Brady. -玛莉,那是布莱迪 -你在说什么?

[12:49.64]What are you talking about? l know that's Brady. 我知道那是布莱迪

[12:59.48]But who the hell are you? 但你又是谁?

[13:05.24]l'm going to run her down to the emergency room and check it out. 我要带她去急诊室检查一下

[13:06.72]lt can't hurt, right? 以防万一

[13:10.92]Want to go for a walk? 我们去散个步

[13:20.12]lf it's a movie about Attila the Hun, why are they filming in Canada? 既然是拍匈奴王阿提拉 干嘛去加拿大拍?

[13:25.48]Cheaper. 减少预算,而且那里一望无际

[13:28.60]And it's pretty much just open space.

[13:30.28]Which means nowhere to go, and nothing to do for the next eight weeks. 那也就是说接下来八星期 会无聊死了

[13:35.16]Listen to me. The operative word being ''listen.'' 听我说,重点是听就好

[13:41.92]l want you to feel free to have sex while you're on location. 如果你在拍片期间 想舒解一下就去做吧

[13:46.12]-Are we here again? After everything? -No, we are not here again. 又要旧话重提了?

[13:46.60]不是,我不是想藉此把你甩开 而是希望留住你

[13:48.36]l'm not trying to push you away, l'm trying to keep you.

[13:53.84]lf anyone knows how important sex is to a person, it's me. 没人比我更了解性的重要了

[13:57.32]-Correction. Was me. -lt's the chemo. 更正一下,以前的我

[13:60.52]Your body just needs time to heal itself. lt'll be back. 那是化疗的关系 你的身体需要时间复元


[14:06.76]lt's like winter. 现在就好比是冬天 秃树并不表示这棵树枯死了

[14:06.08]Just because the trees are bare doesn't mean they're dead.

[14:09.24]-Along comes spring, and bam! -l want you to have sex. -春天一到,就会茁壮茂盛 -我希望你有性生活

[14:16.12]l'm serious. 我说真的 我清楚我们之间的关系

[14:16.40]l know what we have. Sex is just sex. l understand that. 而性就是性,我很了解

[14:21.56]l don't want to just have sex. 我不想为性而性

[14:24.16]You say that now. 现在你会这么说 但当你整天骑着马…

[14:27.72]But when you're riding a horse all day, wearing animal fur...


[14:31.20]and you see some sexy Canadian extra... 看到某个性感加拿大辣妹 穿着女奴的戏服时

[14:32.12]in a slave-girl outfit...

[14:34.40]feel free to pillage her. 你想把她抢走,就上吧

[14:39.44]-Samantha. -Don't be so provincial! -莎曼珊 -别这么老土

[14:41.32]You're playing a barbarian, for fuck's sake. 你演的可是野蛮人

[14:48.92]Step up there, Ma, come on. There you go, all right. 妈,上来,到家了

[14:53.40]-You want to watch some TV? -Yeah. -要看电视吗? -好

[14:54.36]-l'll be in there in a minute. -lt's cold outside. -我待会过去 -外面好冷

[14:60.44]So it was nothing, right? -没事吧? -医生说她有轻微的中风

[15:02.84]The doctor said she had a small stroke.

[15:04.92]She's got significant memory loss. 有明显的记忆丧失现象

[15:07.92]God, when did it happen? -天啊,从什么时候开始的? -我猜应该是一星期前吧

[15:12.60]Best he can tell, maybe a week ago.

[15:12.84]But nobody knows, 'cause she's been home alone. 但没人确实知道 因为她都单独在家

[15:19.12]l want her to stay here with us tonight. 今晚她就住这里吧 我去拿她的睡袍来

[15:23.80]So l'm going to run and grab her nightgown and stuff.

[15:25.32]She wants her own stuff. 妈要穿自己的睡袍

[15:29.80]l'll go with you. 我和你去,梅格可以陪他们

[15:29.36]Magda can stay here with them.

[15:35.96]l'm so sorry. 真令人难过

[15:44.48]Magda! 梅格

[15:57.28]Jesus Christ. 天啊,怎么搞的?

[15:57.20]What's been going on here?

[16:00.08]Didn't you notice? -难道你不知道… -不知道,她都在楼下等我

[16:02.16]No, she's always waiting for me to pick her up downstairs.

[16:10.04]Fucking cockroach! 死蟑螂

[16:15.08]Okay, well, this stops right now. 好,不能再这样了 不能让我妈过这种生活

[16:17.20]My ma can't live like this.

[16:19.08]l'll get a maid or a nurse or something. Someone to live with her full-time. 我会找个帮佣或护士 全天候看着她

[16:23.52]Nurses do that, right? You can hire them to do that, right? 护士可以全天候看着她吧? 花钱就可以解决,对吧?

[16:29.32]My ma can't live like this. 不能让我妈过这种生活


[16:38.76]Your mother can come live with us. 你妈可以和我们一起住

[16:40.76]She can? 真的?

[16:43.52]Sure. 对,不然干嘛买 那么大的房子?

[16:46.08]Why else do we have that big house?

[17:31.24]Carrie Bradshaw! You are Sex and the City writer?

[17:32.32]你是“欲望城市”的作者? 我爱死那本书了

[17:35.12]l love Sex and the City!

[17:36.48]l am, how you say, the single girl. 我是…怎么说…单身女郎

[17:50.04]Sex and the City!

[17:57.68]l have the sex, she has the sex. We all have the sex. 我是你的大书迷,她也是 我们全都是

[18:06.76]We want to make a party for you. Saturday night. 我们想帮你办个派对 就在周末夜

[18:14.20]Apparently, l fell right into my French fan base. 我碰到了我两位法国书迷 那里简直成了书迷俱乐部

[18:16.28]Both of them. And they were so fun and silly. 他们好有趣 坚持要帮我办个派对

[18:19.84]And they insisted on throwing a party in my honor.

[18:23.80]They want me to meet their friends, who supposedly love the book as well. 希望我能见见他们的朋友 应该也都是书迷

[18:26.08]Anyway, it's nothing terribly fancy. 不是什么豪华派对 只是在旅馆办个温馨小派对

[18:30.48]Just a cozy dinner in a quaint hotel in Paris, with my ten new French friends.


[18:34.96]This is what l love about Paris. You never know where the day will lead you. 这就是我喜欢巴黎的原因 常会碰到意外的惊喜

[18:38.56]l know. Anyway, the party's Saturday night... 我知道


[18:42.60]at La Petite Auberge on the Rue St.-André-Des-Arts. 就在圣安德烈斯艺术大道上的 小旅馆

[18:47.00]-Very good. -Are you up for it? -很好 -你会来吗?

[18:47.20]l can't, darling. 我不行,那晚我得和 博物馆馆长一起揭开展览

[18:49.84]That's the night l unveil my show to the museum curator and staff.

[18:55.84]But you go and have a wonderful time... 你好好玩,和惊声尖叫的 书迷们度过美好夜晚

[18:57.52]with the throngs of screaming fans.

[18:58.92]Well, l don't mind if l do. Do you think they'll really be screaming? 我倒不介意惊声尖叫 你觉得他们会吗?

[19:04.76]-l hope so. -So do l! -希望如此 -我也是

[19:08.36]And we'd turn the office back there into the baby's room. 我们还把工作室改成育婴房

[19:10.24]Would anyone like more lox? 谁还要熏鲑鱼?

[19:13.84]ls that the fish? 那是鱼吗?

[19:20.68]We're within blocks of the best grammar schools in Manhattan. 离曼哈顿区最好的学校很近

[19:25.28]Not that we would ever let him or her go alone. 而且我们不会让他或她 单独走回家

[19:27.16]Her. 是女孩,我们刚知道的

[19:30.32]-lt's a her. We just found out. -lt's a girl?

[19:30.12]-是女孩… -我一直想要个女儿

[19:34.20]Honey, it's a girl!

[19:34.80]l always wanted a girl.

[19:36.80]We weren't going to ask, 'cause l didn't want to know about it... 之前我们一直都没问 因为我不想知道

[19:40.76]but then l was there, and they asked me if l wanted to know... 但后来医院问我想知道吗? 我就说好

[19:43.92]and l said yes.

[19:46.44]Ever since then, l've been thinking about little girl names. 知道后 我就在想该帮她取什么名字

[19:50.88]l like Tiffany, Brittany. 像是“蒂芬妮” 或是“布莱特妮”

[19:53.16]Wayne says l like any name with a ''ny'' on the end. 韦恩说我喜欢 尾字有“妮”的名字

[19:58.04]We're not getting the baby, are we? 我们不会有小孩了,对吧?

[20:06.28]We changed our minds. 我们改变心意了

[20:09.20]We're awful sorry. 真的很抱歉

[20:14.56]lf you knew this before... 如果你们早就决定了 干嘛还来让我们难过?

[20:18.24]why did you come here and put us through all this?

[20:20.52]We'd never seen New York. 我们没来过纽约

[20:28.36]What are you doing in here all this time? 你干嘛抱着电脑不放?

[20:29.24]l'm writing an angry e-mail to our baby lawyer. 写封愤怒的电子邮件 给我们的律师

[20:34.64]She warned us about this kind of thing. -她早就警告过我们了 -我们还要受多少罪?

[20:35.24]How much more can we take?

[20:47.36]lt's okay. 没关系

[20:49.04]That's not our baby. 那不是我们的宝宝 一定会有属于我们的宝宝

[20:52.92]Our baby's still coming.

[20:55.00]l'm beginning to think God lost our address. 我开始在想 上帝可能把我们遗忘了

[20:59.68]Come on, honey. 别这样,老公

[20:60.80]We're Jews. 我们是犹太人 更大的苦难都熬过来了

[21:01.76]We've been through worse than this.

[21:09.76]And someone got some flowers delivered. 有人送了花来

[21:12.12]Samantha Jones. 莎曼珊琼斯办公室

[21:17.00]l'll tell her you called. 我会转告的


[21:36.68]What's up, babe? -什么事,亲爱的 -我刚收到花了

[21:36.56]l just got your flowers. They're so beautiful.


[21:39.92]Did you get the card? -看到卡片没? -看到了

[21:42.64]Yes. 我先前说过 你可以和别人上床的事

[21:42.00]And you know how l said you could have sex...

[21:46.68]with someone eIse? WeII...

[21:48.60]if it would be okay with you, try not to. 如果你不是冻未条,就不要吧

[21:52.68]Unless you already have, and then that's fine. 如果你已经做了,那就算了

[21:54.56]l didn't. l won't. 我没有,也不可能

[21:57.44]l don't mean to be a wet blanket... 我不是要扫兴,而是… 保留精力?

[22:02.04]but how about don't?

[22:06.80]Cool. 酷

[22:07.20]Cool. 酷

[22:14.72]Okay, you gorgeous Russian, l'm off! 好了,帅俄国佬,我要出门了

[22:21.72]Good luck at the museum.... 祝你一切顺利…

[22:22.68]What's wrong? 怎么了?

[22:24.68]lt's the cufflink, and it's something with my hands. 袖扣扣不起来,手有问题

[22:28.96]lt's just, l think l'm having an anxiety attack or something. 可能是惊恐发作吧,我不知道

[22:33.32]l don't know.

[22:37.12]Breathe. Here. 深呼吸 把头放在双腿间深呼吸

[22:39.28]Put your head between your legs and breathe.

[22:48.24]l can't go, l can't. 我不能去

[22:50.84]Why? What brought this on? 为什么?怎么回事?

[22:56.72]What if they think... 如果他们觉得我只是个 过气的老头子,怎么办?

[22:58.40]l'm the old man with the silly light machines?

[23:02.76]Here, let me do this for you. 我来帮你扣

[23:05.12]The curator's 27 years old. Can you believe it? 馆长才27岁,你能相信吗?

[23:06.100]Stop. 别说了

[23:08.100]Look at me. 看着我

[23:14.68]You will be fine. 你会没事的

[23:19.48]Will you go with me? 你会和我去吗?

[23:22.60]But... 但是…我得参加派对

[23:24.84]l have my party. 求求你,我需要你陪着我

[23:25.52]Please, l need you there.

[23:30.96]l don't have anybody's telephone number to call and cancel. 但我没有他们的电话 取消派对

[23:36.88]No, you go. 好,你去吧

[23:37.32]You're right, l'll be okay, l'll be fine. 你说得对,我会没事的…

[23:41.84]l'll be fine, yeah.

[23:46.52]No, l'll go. 不,我和你去

[23:49.56]-You will? -lt's important to you. -真的? -展览对你很重要

[23:54.36]Thank you, my darling. And promise not to let go all night. 谢谢,亲爱的 答应我一整晚要手牵着手?

[25:04.32]Yes, that's a train. -火车 -对,这就是火车

[25:10.32]l want to take little Stevie to the zoo. 我要带史蒂夫去动物园

[25:11.68]This is not Steve, this is Brady. Steve's all grown up. 他不是史蒂夫,是布莱迪 史蒂夫长大了

[25:21.12]Some days she's perfectly clear... 有时候她头脑清楚 但有时就像现在一样糊里糊涂

[25:22.84]and then she'll have a bad couple days, like now.

[25:24.80]-How are you handling all this? -Not very well. -你要怎么应付? -勉强应付

[25:28.16]Steve is amazing. 史蒂芬才了不起 晚班后回到家,一整天都陪她

[25:29.68]He gets home from the bar late, and then he's with her all day.

[25:34.12]-Let's get ready to go to the zoo! -This is the zoo. -要去动物园了 -这里就是动物园

[25:37.60]l think you're amazing. 我觉得你很了不起

[25:40.80]l think you're amazing. -你也不赖 -妈咪

[25:42.92]Mama. 你也不赖,那还用说

[25:44.76]And l think you're amazing! Yes, l do.

[25:50.24]Why was her coat on? 她干嘛穿外套?

[25:55.12]Shit! 可恶

[25:57.68]Mary! 玛莉

[25:59.96]Shit. 该死

[26:00.48]-Where did she go? -l don't know. The Bronx Zoo? -她去哪里了? -不知道,布朗克斯动物园?

[26:03.64]Shit, stay with the baby. Shit! 帮我看着宝宝

[26:09.12]Oh, fuck. 该死

[26:35.68]The one place in Paris you can't smoke. 居然会来巴黎不能抽烟的地方

[26:45.80]Perfect. A hole in my Dior. 帅呆了,迪奥包包里破个洞

[26:53.84]What? 什么东东?

[27:27.84]Tell that man that l had to go! 麻烦告诉他我得走了

[27:59.28]Taxi! 计程车


[28:28.88]Mary! 玛莉


[29:38.36]This pizza tastes like garbage. -披萨难吃死了 -没错

[29:40.44]Yeah, it's bad. 不要吃

[29:47.72]lt's cold. We're going to go. Go home. -很冷,我们回家吧 -我还是很饿

[29:49.52]l'm still hungry, you know.

[30:04.24]That feels good. 舒服多了

[30:20.24]Where did you go? -你去哪里了? -我去参加派对

[30:23.72]l went to my party.

[30:25.72]l thought as much. 我想也是,派对好玩吗?

[30:27.80]-How was it? -Over. 结束了,都结束了

[30:30.00]lt was over.

[30:32.28]l'm sorry. 对不起

[30:32.36]How could you just abandon me like that, when l gave up my party to be with you? 我没去参加派对陪你去 你却把我丢在一旁?

[30:39.60]l didn't abandon you. -我没把你丢在一旁 -我一个人独自坐在椅子上

[30:40.40]l sat on a bench, alone, in a museum.

[30:44.80]Let's not do this now. l'm tired. l had a stressful day. 现在别谈了 我好累,一整天都精神紧绷

[30:48.28]l'm in this relationship, too! 我也参与在这段关系里 我是个有血有肉的人

[30:52.72]l am a person in this relationship!

[30:57.24]Have you any idea what it's been like for me here? 你可知道我有多么难受?

[30:60.08]Eating alone and waiting for my boyfriend... 一个人用餐,不时等待男友

[31:01.88]who would rather spend time with a light installation? 而他却宁可把时间 花在展览布置上?

[31:09.32]That's what l do. That's who l am. 那是我的工作,那就是我 你一直很清楚的

[31:11.72]You always knew this.

[31:14.12]l had a life in New York. 我在纽约有自己的生活

[31:18.60]l had a job and friends. 有工作,有知心好友

[31:21.48]l didn't give all of that up to come here and wander the streets of Paris alone! 我不要放弃这一切 在巴黎街头独自流浪

[31:26.44]Okay. l'm taking a shower, and then to bed. 好,我要去洗个澡 准备上床了

[31:30.72]We'll talk more as soon as you-- -等你冷静下来,我们再谈 -不…不要等了

[31:34.88]-No, not as soon as-- -Please, Carrie! 行行好,凯莉

[31:41.04]lt was an accident. l didn't mean to. 这是意外,我不是故意的

[31:46.20]Oh, my necklace. 我的项练

[31:54.48]l'm so sorry. 很抱歉

[31:56.96]l thought l was clear all along... 我以为自已都很了解 我是怎样的人

[31:59.04]about who l am.


[32:08.60]Maybe it's time to be clear about who l am. 也许现在我该看清楚我是谁

[32:11.08]l am someone who is looking for love. 我是个寻觅爱情的人

[32:16.60]Real love. 寻找真正的爱

[32:21.72]Ridiculous... 疯狂的…

[32:22.20]inconvenient... 麻烦的…

[32:26.76]consuming... 耗尽心力的…

[32:27.68]can't-live-without-each-other love. 少了对方就活不下去的真爱

[32:32.44]And... 我觉得那种爱不在这里

[32:36.64]l don't think...

[32:37.92]that love is here...

[32:41.100]in this expensive suite... 不在这间豪华套房里

[32:45.08]in this lovely hotel in Paris. 不在这家巴黎的高级旅馆里

[32:53.20]lt's not your fault. lt's my fault. 那不是你的错,是我不对

[33:01.36]l shouldn't have come here. 我不该来的

[33:12.88]Please, don't. -凯莉 -拜托,别说了

[33:16.48]l'm fine. 我没事

[33:38.12]Thank you. 谢谢你

[33:58.04]l'm sorry, mademoiseIIe, but we have only double rooms available. 抱歉,小姐 但目前我们只剩双人房

[34:01.80]Well, l'm a single, and it will be fine. 我是单身,双人房可以

[34:07.44]Let me see, just a minute. 我查一下,请稍等

[34:29.52]Hi. 你好

[34:35.40]Why the tears? 怎么哭了?

[34:38.00]Paris is a mess. 来巴黎真是一团乱 我不该来的

[34:42.44]l never should have come here.

[34:44.56]Everything fell apart. 全都变调了

[34:48.92]We had a big fight... 我们大吵一架 我被打了一巴掌

[34:50.88]and then l got slapped.

[34:54.60]You got what? -什么? -他不是故意的,只是意外

[34:56.28]No, he didn't mean it. lt was an accident.

[34:59.68]-He slapped you? -What? No. lt's not like that. -他打你? -什么?不…不是这样

[35:01.44]l'll kick his ass. -我要宰了他 -什么?不要

[35:02.12]What? No!

[35:06.72]-What room are you in? -l'm not telling you that. -他住几号房? -我才不会说

[35:08.40]l see you were in room 625. -你本来住625号房 -625号房,谢谢

[35:10.92]Room 625? Thank you.

[35:11.16]Wait, stop! What are you.... 等等,别去,你在…

[35:17.44]Stop! What do you think you're doing? -等一下,你要干嘛? -宰了那个俄国佬

[35:21.40]l think l'm kicking some Russian ass.

[35:22.44]What? No, it's not like that! 什么?不是那样的 你完全弄错了

[35:25.20]-You've got it completely wrong. -We'll see about that.


[35:28.40]l don't need you to do this. 我不要你去找他,根本没必要

[35:32.04]Stop! This is totally unnecessary.

[35:35.56]What do you think you're doing? 你在干嘛?走慢一点 你会心脏病发

[35:38.52]Stop, slow down. You're going to have a heart attack.

[35:41.80]l mean it, l took care of this myself. l don't need you to rescue me! 我说真的,我自己可以处理 不需要你英雄救美

[35:45.88]Listen, l'm clocking this foreigner, and there's nothing you can do to stop me. 我要宰了那个外国佬 你阻止不了的

[36:18.56]l've got to hand it to you, kid. 我真败给你了 大多数人来巴黎坠入情网

[36:21.36]Most people come to Paris to fall in love. You came and got slapped.


[36:29.12]Why is that funny? 有那么好笑吗?

[36:37.16]-Are you cold? -No, l'm still in shock. -会冷吗? -不会,我还在惊吓中

[36:43.04]This is so surreal. 好像在做梦一样…

[36:48.60]How did you even get here? 你怎么会来?

[36:53.16]lt took me a really long time to get here. 我花了好久时间才来到你身边

[36:59.96]But l'm here. 但我终于来了

[37:07.00]Carrie, you're the one. 凯莉,你才是我的真命天女

[37:15.04]Kiss me, you big crybaby. 吻我,爱哭的帅哥

[37:44.16]l miss New York. Take me home. 我好想纽约,带我回家吧

[37:56.88]Hi, honey. 老公,我是个差劲的老婆 我叫了外卖的中国菜

[37:57.80]l'm a bad wife. l ordered Chinese.

[38:04.32]l got something from China, too. 我也收到中国寄来的信

[38:10.80]-They're giving us a baby. -What? -他们给了我们一个宝宝 -什么?怎么会?


[38:15.100]l guess God remembered our address. We get her in six months. 我想上帝没把我们遗忘 半年内我们就能收养她了

[38:23.60]Here she is. 就是她

[38:33.76]That's our baby. 她就是我们的小孩

[38:35.16]l know it. 我知道,她就是我们的孩子

[38:39.44]That's really our baby.

[38:56.40]What you did... 你所做的…

[39:01.72]that is love. 那就是爱

[39:08.24]You love. 你懂得爱

[39:15.12]Let's not make a big deal of it to Steve. lt'd just upset him. 别对史蒂夫说太多


[39:60.16]Hey, babe. 宝贝

[40:04.80]l flew back. 我搭机赶回来

[40:07.12]You flew all night? Why? 坐了一整晚飞机?为什么?

[40:10.52]l forgot to tell you something on the phone. 有件事我在电话上忘了说

[40:12.96]l love you. 我爱你

[40:16.32]You flew back to tell me that? 你赶回来 就是为了告诉我这个?

[40:20.56]Can you think of a better reason? 难道还有其他更好的理由吗?

[40:26.52]No, l can't. 当然没有

[40:30.00]You have meant more to me than any man l've ever known. 在我的生命中 你是任何男人无法取代的

[41:02.16]Thank you. Thanks. 谢谢

[41:13.80]You know, l don't live here anymore... 我不住纽约了

[41:19.16]and the Four Seasons won't check you in until 1 :00. 而四季饭店要晚点才有房间

[41:25.92]Did you want to come up? 那么你想上来吗?

[41:28.12]Abso-fucking-lutely. 百分百愿意

[41:46.00]-从加拿大赶回来? -真窝心

[41:56.04]Oh, my God! -天啊 -你真美

[42:02.92]Later that day, I got to thinking about reIationships. 那天稍晚时 我开始想到“关系”这件事

[42:04.60]There are those that open you up to something new and exotic... 它们能让你敞开心胸 迎接新奇的事物…

[42:17.40]those that are oId and famiIiar... 亲密窝心的姐妹淘情谊

[42:23.56]those that bring up Iots of questions... 它能让你不断地发问

[42:30.84]those that bring you somewhere unexpected... 带你到意想不到的境地

[42:36.100]those that bring you far from where you started... 事情发展远超乎你的想像

[42:45.88]and those that bring you back. 有些关系却会把你带回起点

[42:55.08]But the most exciting, chaIIenging, and significant reIationship of aII... 但最刺激有趣 且重要的关系就是…

[42:59.36]is the one you have with yourseIf. 陪在你身边的伴侣

[43:02.28]And if you find someone to Iove the ''you'' you Iove... 如果你找到了 爱你所爱的人…

[43:07.72]-What's shaking, baby? -How's Napa? -你好吗? -纳帕谷呢?

[43:09.32]The house is on the market. Look out, New York, I'm a-coming. 房子正在出售 纽约,当心,我来大展身手了

[43:12.28]...weII, that's just fabuIous. 那就一切美呆了


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