1. palm reader: 看手相的人,算命师
2. eye contact: 目光接触,眼神交会
3. I guess so: 我想是吧,我猜也是。
4. stardust:星团,星尘
Finally, I thanked her simply for having sprinkled my life with stardust.(最后,我感谢她,因为她在我的生命中撒下美妙的遐想。)
5. horoscope: 星占;星象;星座
6. condescend: 屈尊,俯就;故意表示和蔼可亲
She did not condescend to have dinner with him.(她投有屈尊与他共餐。)
7. out of business: 失业;破产;<美俚>损坏;受伤
Be careful in management, otherwise you will soon be put out of business.(注意你的经营之道,否则你很快会破产。)
8. fortuneteller: 算命者,占卜者
If I know that, I'd be a fortuneteller.(我要知道,我就是先知了。)
9. tedious:单调沉闷的;冗长乏味的;令人生厌的
It was painful to listen to his tedious speech.(他冗长乏味的讲话真令人痛苦。)
10.schilling: 先令
11.intense: 热情的,热切的,激动的
I know he's an intense player, but he does enjoy what he's doing.(我知道他是个拼命三郎,但他确实喜欢自己所做的事。)