妙语佳句 活学活用
1. Q and A time: questions and answers, 问答时间
2. summer camp:夏令营
3. have a big crush on: 非常迷恋某人,crush在口语中尤其用来表示女子对男性的迷恋。
例如:She had a crush on you, you know.(她曾爱慕你,你是知道的。)
4. cut across: 抄近路通过,径直穿过,也可以表示打断
She shouted so loudly that cut across the conversation.(她大嚷大叫,打断了这次谈话。)
5. opportune: 适当的,合时宜的,恰好的
I believe that I have arrived at a very opportune moment.(我想我到得正是时候。)
6. unselfish: 无私的,慷慨的
7. piss off: 使厌烦,使生气
It pisses me off when they start moaning about going to war.(当他们开始对开战表示不满时,我很恼火。)
8. lose temper: 发脾气;发火
It took all the self-control he had not to lose his temper.(他极力克制才忍住没发脾气。)