1. You happen to me all over again: 你每次都带给我全新的感受。
2. beyond caring: 毫不在意,毫不关心;不管。例如:
It seems to me that he's beyond caring about what anybody does.
3. catch your death: 得致命的病(这里指受寒感冒)。例如:
Don't go out without a coat: you'll catch your death.
4. it occurred to him that: 他突然想到。例如:
It occurred to him that it would be a fun thing to throw the dog out of the window.
5. due: 预定应到的,应到达的,应出席的。例如:
When is the plane due at Beijing? 飞机预定什么时间到达北京?
6. scoundrel: 流氓,恶棍,无赖。
7.see to my allowance: 负责我的生活费。see to的意思是“负责,照料”。例如:
Your attendants must see to the needs of your customers.