1. show up: 露面,出现
2. no big deal: 没什么大不了
3. blow the thing off: 这里是说塞琳娜爽约没去,放了他的鸽子。
4. nosedive: 暴跌,跌落,突然变坏。杰西在这里的意思是:于是我的人生自此一蹶不振。
It is said by the specialists that the Japanese yen would nosedive further.(据专家分析说,今后日元还将持续暴跌。)
5. fade out: 淡出,渐弱
6. dork: <俚语>,呆子,笨蛋
7. hooker: 妓女
He was surprised to see hookers move into the next apartment.(他看到妓女搬入隔壁公寓时,吓了一跳。)
8. It sells: 畅销