1. It's rough out there, huh?: 日子不好过,是吧?rough在这里的意思是“难受的,艰难的”,例如:They have been having a rough time recently.(他们近来的日子很不好过。)
2. in-depth tour: 深度游。例如:
Self-guided tour, in-depth tour, and theme tour will be the new demands of the future outbound travel market.(自由行、深度游和主题游是 出境游未来的发展趋势。)
3. incredible: 棒极了。
4. blizzard: 暴风雪。
5. It was very Heidi: 很像海蒂过的生活。海蒂是瑞士著名儿童文学作品中的人物形象。
6.I figured what the hell: 我想,管它呢。
7. run into traffic: 堵在路上,遇到交通堵塞。
8. get in the way: 妨碍,阻碍。
Ms. Right types are hard to change, as their personal pride tends to get in the way of understanding others and the world around her.
9. preschool: 幼儿园。
10. impala: 黑斑羚。莎拉说她现在是一群羚羊中最弱的一只,意思是她现在十分脆弱。
11. pounce on: 抓住并大肆利用某事物。例如:
The scientists doing the experiment have pounced on the effect of the particular moment.(做实验的科学家们抓住了这个特殊时机的效果。)